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Key components to look up for marine LPS tanks


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  • SRC Member

Hi all seniors,

I've just venture into marine tank. Still a newbie and learning for the rest and reading. Just curious what are the key component and parameter to look out for keeping LPS?

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  • SRC Member

Hi all seniors,

I've just venture into marine tank. Still a newbie and learning for the rest and reading. Just curious what are the key component and parameter to look out for keeping LPS?

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LPS are fairly low maintenance. Get a good light set and reasonable brand salt ( e.g. DD, coral pro). Diligent in your water change. Your journey should be fairly smooth. Wave maker is another must have item on your list.
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  • SRC Member

All of them are important . The saltwater enabling reef corals and animals to thrive can be described as an intricate and delicate spider's web. The trace elements in saltwater are like the threads making up the web,if one of them is broken the web cannot function perfectly, or if the tear in the web is too huge, the web will collapse. Starting out keeping LPS , I think PH, Nitrates and phosphates are the most important, alkalinity(kH) should be tested and mantained from time to time with a kH buffer too. Just an opinion. Do correct me , i may learn something from this thread too. Thanks bro/bros !

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  • SRC Member

Calcium and magnesium is more crucial for keeping sps corals i believe. However , they too should be maintained in an lps dominated tank , easily with regular water changes using a good salt brand.

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  • SRC Member

Many if not, most believe that tap water contains impurities contributing to an increased amount of nitrates and phosphates thus leading to unhealthy corals and excessive algae growth. But many have also reported that it is not necessary because Singapore's tap water is rather safe for use in our systems of course subject to the neighbourhood we live in. So, my personal take on this is that,it may be a good but not an absolutely necessary item to keep a reef tank.

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  • SRC Member

For those worried about the quality of their tap water but not yet using an ro/di unit, i would recommend placing a bag of a high quality carbon in the pail of freshly-mixed saltwater during water changes, before adding the water to the tank, for some peace of mind. This helps to improve water quality by absorbing if they are present, some of the heavy metals and removes gelbstoff (the compounds that give water in an aquarium the yellow tint), some large organic molecules,chlorine, pollutants and toxins, as well as many other types of chemical elements and compounds from the water that a protein skimmer or mechanical filter is not able to remove.

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