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Magical's (6.5 x 2.5 x 2) Feet Partition Dream Tank


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Hi reefers of SRC, recently I am about to commence a major renovation to my existing home due to marriage plans. I took this opportunity (and excuse of cos :eyebrow: ) to upgrade to a new tank with the intention to use this thread to share my progress and keep a log as well.

Really very thankful to my understanding fiancée :wub: and father for being accommodating as I pursue my interest in reefing. Last but not least, thanks to SRC for providing a platform for reefers to share and learn regarding this wonderfully intriguing hobby. Got a lot of nice bros to thank here as I’ve learnt a lot from you guys. :ThanxSmiley:

A Bit of Background

Over the years in this aquarium hobby, I’ve progressed from a guppy container using a small glass bottle during my primary school days, to a planted tank in my college days.

My planted tank back then...


Finally got hooked onto the beauty of saltwater reef tank after NS during Uni days and started a 24 Gallon JBJ Nano tank.

My nano tank back then...


And progressed to a 4x2x2 feet tank when I started working for a while, and save up for a more decent budget (still running, about to decomm). Apologies for the not so good quality shots and video taken a while back with crappy IPhone 3GS I think. :poster_oops:



My previous 4 feet tank thread:

Didn’t have the time or discipline to continue updating this previous thread due to work, and sometimes I was just plain lazy to take pics and post updates. :paiseh: Hopefully, it won't happen to this thread.

And now, after gaining some experience, finally muster the courage to do a 6 x 2.5 x 2 feet partition tank. I am sure that along the way there will still be mistakes made and plenty to learn throughout its course. Hopefully can garner support from all the nice bros that I know here in sgreef. Looks like I am gonna get hook to the aquarium hobby for a long time to come. :rolleyes:

Upcoming New Tank Details

Tank Maker: Aquarium Artist (Vincent)

Concept: Partition Tank with 3 sided view (In the states they call it Peninsula Tank, don’t know why)

Tank Specs: 6.5 x 2.5 x 2 Feet (3 side Crystal Glass), Display 6 feet + Side Overflow 1/2 feet (Total 6.5 feet)

Glass Thickness: 15mm (Side Glass), 19mm (Base Glass)

Sump Tank: 6 x 2 x 1.5 Feet

Cabinetry: Partial full height

Stay tune...

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Camping here to see ur build.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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Tank Building Process

I’ve always liked the concept of a partition tank with 3 sided view after seeing some nice pictures online. So, I intend to do one likewise too.

Something like this. This is a picture that I manage to find online and show the tank maker as an example.


I intend to replace this cabinet / dry kitchen in my home with a tank.


After discussing it with tank maker at my place, we came up with something sketchy and he was confident with the build that I desired.



Once, everything more or less finalised after discussing, I proceeded to get a contractor to heck this cabinet / dry kitchen off. They manage to heck it and seal the tap pipe with a brass end cap in about 1.5 hours :goodjob:


After that, I waited a few days to ensure that the tap pipe was 100% tight with no leakage before tank maker proceeded to build a platform above the concrete slab. The actual tank cabinet will sit above the platform. :thumbsup:


The cabinet laminate code used is Rialto Pine and it was chosen by my fiancée because of the rustic-cottage feel of it.


Eventually, when my entire home renovation is completed, it will be a Scandinavian-Industrial-Theme (you can google image search for a better feel of it). This was an agreement between my fiancée and myself, as long as she lets me build my dream tank, she call the shots for home renovation design. :wub:

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The entire build was done in phases because measurements for cabinetry needs to be precise. And if everything was done at one go at the workshop, it will be a hassle to replace. For eg, if the platform was a bit off measurement and needed changes, then the cabinet sitting on top of it needs to be amended as well. Which in turn affects the full height side cabinet, etc… it’s a chain effect. Thus, I rather take this build slow and steady.

The skeleton structure and external frame was done up first.


Center kapor beam will be inserted once tank maker is ready to install the doors because the hinges of the door will be screwed into the beam. Not forgetting that the sump tank needs to be in place before the center beams go in.

Next up was the sump tank (6 x 2 feet) delivery


Chiller coil was also delivered along with it as well. But need to wait for the air con guys to hook it up.post-12962-0-01589600-1420870376_thumb.j

After the sump was delivered, the doors for the cabinet were delivered subsequently and center beams could then be installed. post-12962-0-21739300-1420870540_thumb.j

Was really glad that the hinges used were stainless steel and soft-closing. Adds to the ‘oommphf’ factor. Will still apply a coating of vaseline on the hinges to prevent rusting in the long run.

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The location of the tank is perfect man... Kitchen cook can see tank, go fridge take beer can see tank, living rm can see tank...best part, come home open door first thing see is tank!! Haha bro really looking forward to your tank progress!

That's the plan bro :agreed:

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Recently I read from others that their cabinet got attacked by bugs and termites which compromises the supporting integrity of the support for their tank. As I am can be quite paranoid about such matters, i chose not to take the risk by purchasing this...


I used it and applied a few coatings on all the supporting beams and platform. Hopefully this might prevent any form of such attacks and also eliminate any existing wood dwelling bugs. Best to be safe than sorry.

Tank was finally delivered, at first I wanted it a little bit longer but was concern that it might not go through the lift door. Therefore, I chose to stick with 6.5 feet. Otherwise, if cannot fit, JIALAT liao... got to pay more for manpower to carry up more than 12 floors, not to mention risking damage/scratches to the tank.


Side cabinet doors yet to be installed to allow tank maker more work space. Tank maker will install it only after all holes (for wires and sockets) have been cut through the confirmed spots.

Slight amendments were needed because I only wanted a Euro-Bracing and not cross bracing. I don't want any salt creep over the center piece to block out lighting. Which was part of the reason i chose to go with 15mm side glass and 19mm base glass. If its full bracing with 2 pieces of cross bracing, 12mm might just be enough.



FYI... regardless what some tank makers out there advise you. Always run a check yourself, there are many tank safety calculators out there. And here is one of the link out of the many you can find online.

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1732 (Scroll to the bottom to download the excel sheet)

Its an expensive hobby, and i believe we should do our due diligence to ensure our investment is a safe build. Not to mention the safety of our love ones at home.

Cross bracing was subsequently removed by tank maker properly.


Piping works were also settled after tank in place.



Yet another phase completed.

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  • SRC Member

Nice setup..like the sump design by AA..like ur tank position too..do plan the current flow in ur tank then position ur return pipe..factor in what wavemaker to use & position too..coz if need to change the return pipe position later will b difficult as the joints r glued..hope to see update & pics coming :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Are you going to have another beam at the middle section of cabinet?

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

Hi Bro Prox, actually i did mention it in my earlier post. Yes, there will be another beam at the middle section.

Bro where you put your chiller ? Kitchen yard ?


Hi Bro flo_reeftank, I will answer your question in detail soon (with pictures).

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