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I have been using SGC for about 2 mths and all this while have been seeking advices and not giving any. Very 'piah say'. I would like to justify myself by stating that I am a complete newbie in aqua-hobby, having just started about 6 mths back with LH (none left) . It was with the encouragement of a close friend that I dare venture into keeping marine fishes and softies. With him as sort of a consultant and by reading, net browsing and asking, I have more or less gain a tiny bit of knowledge to design, source and DIYing a 4 2 2 setup. It was only last Sat that I could finally arranged the LR and rushed down to Pasir Ris to buy some softies and fishes. They are now all looking happy and perky as I took pain to at least cycled my tank well. It was quite draining on the pocket but it was $ well spent as I gained immeasurable pleasure along the way.

Gotto run liao or some rotten eggs will come my way for going on and on. Hope to gain more knowledge from U guys and certainly look forward to meet some of you. Have a happy CNY. :D

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Well, I hope you will be as conscientious as you can be.... to be a responsible hobbyist... and learn to love the sea! :)

Marine life is so so much more wonderful and precious than freshwater fishes esp. LH.. :)

Welcome aboard!

Happy NY!


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