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  • SRC Member

Hi bro hippo, so if i keep seahorse only with fake corals and plants. I wont need lights(except for viewing), and wont need to dose anything for keeping reef tank right?

indeed, but do ensure that you really have established pristine water parameters ( you can check the exact numbers by looking up ) in your tank.

Also, to be extra sure that your tank water remains pristine, you may wanna invest in a strong skimmer and also perhaps, a uv sterilizer. The uv sterilizer may be a bit overkill but i think it would really help with the bacteria bloom and all that is such a common killer of seahorses.

Another key equipment that you must not overlook is your chiller for which the significance has also emphasized here in earlier posts.

I would like to give you due warning now that skipping any of the above recommendations and cutting corners will see your seahorses heading towards a quick death in a matter of days. However, follow through, and the reward would be as you would expect.

Cheers! :)


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  • SRC Member

skimmer and chiller is a will get if I do try and start the seahorse tank. for UV maybe not, no idea how expensive it is. Still deciding if wanna go cylinder shaped tank, and if I do, how to set it up. Still trying to read up more to see if I have the capabilities.

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

hi guys,

similar to many of us who have tried keeping seahorses, I have also suffered my fair share of losses to the brutal bacterial infestations that plague the delicate seahorses. So, in a pursuit to find a remedy, i actually chanced upon the usage of probiotics in curbing harmful bacteria in the home aquaria including the infamous Vibrio Sp. Many reefers have benefited from the use of probiotics in seahorse aquariums mostly from USA.

The probiotics that i am aiming to try out is Sanolife MIC-F which is actually used in aquaculture. I have searched the internet but couldn't find any place in Singapore selling this. Will probably have to buy from US. The second probiotic i would want to try is Eco-Balance by Dr. Tim's Aquatics. I will probably be doing this little investigation. If i succeed, I think it will be a great help to the seahorse-keeping community here in Singapore because most of our seahorses here seem to always succumb to bacterial infections.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

With the understanding, Seahorse are available at AquaMarine :)


Feel free to visit my Aquarium blog @


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hi guys. m new here. n need serious help with my tiger tail seahorses. bot 6 of them from aquamarin about 1wk+ now.... i just cant get them to eat..... they were eating at the shop thats y i bot them.... now they seem very weak.... can see them staring at the food but just wun eat.... any advice....?

water parameters :

temp 26-27degrees

salinity 1.024

KH 10

PH 8.2-8.4

tank mates : skunk n blood red shrimps

n some corals...

any advice will be much appreciated.....

n where else can u buy seahorses? hoping to find tank bred instead of wild caught.....

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hi guys. m new here. n need serious help with my tiger tail seahorses. bot 6 of them from aquamarin about 1wk+ now.... i just cant get them to eat..... they were eating at the shop thats y i bot them.... now they seem very weak.... can see them staring at the food but just wun eat.... any advice....?

water parameters :

temp 26-27degrees

salinity 1.024

KH 10

PH 8.2-8.4

tank mates : skunk n blood red shrimps

n some corals...

any advice will be much appreciated.....

n where else can u buy seahorses? hoping to find tank bred instead of wild caught.....

Wat food did u try feeding them bro??

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  • SRC Member

frozen mysis n brine shrimps. n tried live brine shrimps too..... they were fed frozen mysis shrimps in the shop

Hi bro, you need to get them live shrimps asap. Its either they have been shocked into not eating by the shift or they werent eating frozen in the first place. I would believe the latter is true in most cases. Anyway, try to get juvenile shrimp somehoe and feed them. If not, you got to give them up. I also bought 3. But i only managed to train 1 so far to eat frozen mysis. So im feeding live shrimp until they recognise frozen mysis as food. Pm me if you need more help

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  • SRC Member

frozen mysis n brine shrimps. n tried live brine shrimps too..... they were fed frozen mysis shrimps in the shop

I hope your seahorse has started eating the frozen mysis by now :)


Feel free to visit my Aquarium blog @


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  • SRC Member

haven seen them eating yet..... but i suspect they hv been eating on the sly... if not they shud be dead by now ya? 2 weeks without food...

Indeed, but if that is true then i wonder why they wouldnt eat frozen at our home aquariums. Maybe someone can help find a reason why soon :D


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Hi my sea horse eat dead brine shrimp in my isolation box when I first put them in. But they don't eat mysis can't really see them fed after putting in dt. But at night I can see them swimming around for food

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  • SRC Member

Hi my sea horse eat dead brine shrimp in my isolation box when I first put them in. But they don't eat mysis can't really see them fed after putting in dt. But at night I can see them swimming around for food

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Hi bro,

Hmmmm i think its probably because they dont recognize mysis as food? Thats the only reason i can think of. Try get them live shrimp while you train them onto frozen shrimp. Make sure the live shrimp is small enough to fit their little mouths :D


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Hi bro,

Hmmmm i think its probably because they dont recognize mysis as food? Thats the only reason i can think of. Try get them live shrimp while you train them onto frozen shrimp. Make sure the live shrimp is small enough to fit their little mouths :D

Haha true they didn't even flinch when it fly pass them. But they like prefer brine shrimp . Is obvious for my seahorse haha

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  • SRC Member

I was told by someone that there was a group of hobbyists very into seahorse keeping many years ago.

Unfortunately, the group is no more active nowadays :(


Feel free to visit my Aquarium blog @


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  • SRC Member

I was told by someone that there was a group of hobbyists very into seahorse keeping many years ago.

Unfortunately, the group is no more active nowadays :(

Hmmm how very unfortunate. Perhaps we will see a revival or the formation of a new group very soon. :D That would be amazing! The more knowledge shared the better!


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  • SRC Member

I look forward to seeing more hobbyists start to keep seahorsea.

I think as long as the seahorse can feed on frozen food will make it easy for hobbyists to start keeping seahorse :)


Feel free to visit my Aquarium blog @


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

So after much failures and little successes i have managed establish my first breeding pair of seahorses. But i think the amount of time and work involved in raising the seahorse fries are daunting me. I tried raising them with no success.

Anyway, i am opening up the opportunity for anyone who think they are up for it to give it go. I will split my fries among the takers.

I will also be able to advice on methods that have proven effective for other people.

However, i require that you possess at least a dense culture of rotifers or copepods and are also able to do frequent water changes.

If interested, pls pm. :D

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  • SRC Member

Alright guys,

So i have received a few messages from interested foster fathers :) so i will be closing the offer now. But for friends who are still interested, you can still contact me and i can pass you some fries from the next batch :)


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  • SRC Member

hi guys,

i just thought i would share a short video of my seahorses dancing together that i had captured a few days ago.

My male is already pregnant in this video. Anyway, my babies will be arriving very soon and i am trying very hard to raise the babies. To me, even a little success is still success, so even raising 1 baby seahorse successfully will be great! So, if you have any suggestions to raise the babies, for example tank setup ideas or any other contributions, please do give them :D


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finally i see my horses pecking on some things.....maybe its copepods... they r still not eating anything i put in. just clinging onto the red bamboos n pecking at some stuff i cant see

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many many years ago... I think back in the 1990s' I did successfully raise a batch of seahorse fries.. I think most of them die, but I did manage to get a few survive.. that was many years back... at that time there is not much of things like skimmer etc.. so I did was putting the fires in a small tank with filter sponges and bubbles only... did WC every 2 days using the main tank water... starting feed them with those (I dont know what they called) that sell in LFS, like pink, redish fires in a bag... them slowly convert to live BS... using a filter sponge only is good because it wouldnt suck away the food and spoil the water... so every 2 days I use a small tube (rubber air tube) to suck out the waste and uneaten food on the tank floor..

that all I can remember... hee hee.. hope this help

Current Tank(s) :

2 x 1 x 1 mixed reef tank

What in my mind now (future tanks)

4 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile coral tank

3 x 2.5 x 1.5 low profile reef tank

Decommissioned Tanks :

2 ft seahorse tank back in the 1990s'

2.5 ft cube mixed reef tank in 2007 to 2008

JBJ 28g Tank . Maxspect G1 110W + 12W DIY LED . Tunze 9002 Skimmer . Vortech MP10w ES . SPS only Tank . Picasso Clown Fish (2009 to 2011)

2 x 1 x 1 puffer-fishes, box-fishes & Frog-fish tank (2015)

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