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The most method of adding garlic to fishfood?


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  • SRC Member

Currently, I'm using Seachem Garlic Guard...

De-freeze the brine shrimp, remove the water content, put into small container (medicine box), add garlic guard then put to freeze again...

this way the shrimp absorb the garlic n your fish can consume better...

5cent worth...

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Cheaper way is to go to the Vitamins store and get the Pure Garlic liquid. Kyolic brand or something like that.

Even cheaper is to buy pure garlic powder from the market and mix in water for a few minutes then soak your food. Take more time but cheap.

I used both methods and no problem. Use in a caution manner. I normally use Garlic for new brought fish in QT to fight Ick and never add any additives to my display tank. It is still not proven method yet. Too much at stake for display tank.

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  • SRC Member

Other than feed my fishes food soaked in garlic I also pour the Seachem Garlic Guard straight into the tank. FIshes seem to like it. Always rush to the spot where the garlic's been poured.

Gonna try my hand at blending my own mix of fish food mixed with garlic and freezing into cubes for feeding!

Wish me luck!

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Good luck!!

I also mixed my own fish food. Sotong, prawn, mysis, cyclopeez, salmon meat, seaweed, lettuce, not forgetting my fresh garlic.

I usually grind them and freeze it ..... it will normally last me for about 2 - 3 weeks.

It's fun too!! Really enjoying it!!

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