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900801's marine experience


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  • SRC Member

First time trying marinefish and have been cycling my tank for more than a month and a 1/2 Checked the nitrite, ammonia and nitrate. Finally about a week ago the nitrite went down to 0. The ammonium went down two weeks back. Got some chaeto from a reefer 3 days back. It'll be a fowlr.


This is the set up now. Did some rescape. Added some fire red shrimps here on sat and they seem to be doing great. No aggression as of yet. Planing to add some flame Angels here.


This is the slump tank.Got some chaeto from a reefer 3 days back.


Got a nemo yesterday


Will update the current look of the tank soon after I've gotten the angelfish.

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  • SRC Member

First time trying marinefish and have been cycling my tank for more than a month and a 1/2 Checked the nitrite, ammonia and nitrate. Finally about a week ago the nitrite went down to 0. The ammonium went down two weeks back. Got some chaeto from a reefer 3 days back. It'll be a fowlr.


This is the set up now. Did some rescape. Added some fire red shrimps here on sat and they seem to be doing great. No aggression as of yet. Planing to add some flame Angels here.


This is the slump tank.Got some chaeto from a reefer 3 days back.


Got a nemo yesterday


Will update the current look of the tank soon after I've gotten the angelfish.

Nice scape

steak pls

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Camping here, hope to see some more fishes.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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  • SRC Member

@andtsg: thanks bro but might add some sand as the rocks are heavy so I used the egg crates to even the weight. Afraid the glass might crack over time.

Thanks bro snoopyhamburger and admiraltian

@sg10: nope it's look alike. Glued some of them together.

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What's the size of ur tank? Glass looked thin from ur pics. If height is 2-2.5ft, better to hv thicker glass of at least 10-12mm thickness for safety reasons. Saltwater plus LR are heavy so u must make ur tank can withstand the weight of all these plus if u wanna add extra equipments & LS such as corals in future.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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  • SRC Member

The tank size is 2 x 1.5 x 1.5ft glass about 6mm thick. Will be upgrading to a 3 x 1.5 x 1.5 soon either this year or next. The way I forsee things I doubt I will be keeping corals mostly fishes.

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Ok, juz dun overload with too much rocks.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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  • SRC Member

Here's a pic of a blackie I got. Cute little fellows. Greedy too :P


Found this, this morning hopefully it's a sign that they are thriving and not the sign that they are stress

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

A quick update so far.

Got some corals and quarantine some. Quarantine tank, A tank within a tank. Lol getting day light tml. The old one was blew and didt have time to get a replacement.

Torch coral


New clam



Got some gsp from a fellow reefer. Thanks bro :)


Trying mushroom and leather coral out. Got from coral farm. Did fresh water dip. It's getting better but still needs time.


Some purple eli shaking in the current.


Some hammer corals



Nth much have to wait till they grow.

All that's missing is a wave maker which I'll get soon. Friendly nemo but more towards exploring nemo. They haven't settled down yet. Hopefully soon. Need help with placement like where to place the corals. Abit new in that.

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Not to be a spoiler and I might be wrong, but I don't think your water parameters will be suitable for the clam . Even if it does, better watch it closely, if it dies you have to take it out immediately or your whole tank will turn murky and all livestocks will be affected . Just be careful ! And Happy reefing .

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  • SRC Member

Bro are you talking about temperature wise? Thanks for the tip bro will monitor it carefully. :)

I got it from seaview. Don't think they have stock now. Was there yest and it seems to be all sold out. Yup what SubzeroLT said there were quite a lot there too as of yest.

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Bro are you talking about temperature wise? Thanks for the tip bro will monitor it carefully. :)

I got it from seaview. Don't think they have stock now. Was there yest and it seems to be all sold out. Yup what SubzeroLT said there were quite a lot there too as of yest.

Not the temperature . The lightings and the calcium . They need really really strong lightings .

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  • SRC Member

I'm using 4 T5 lighting at the moment 4x39 watts about 156 watts. Sufficient? The calcium not yet. Haven't gotten a tester but will get it soon. Read that dosing blindly is worst then not dosing at all.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Thanks mod for helping me switch the thread to the correct section. Update of the tank with a video. Looks better on the phone then on the com. Only new fishes is a jawfish at the sump compartment. Updates with picture when they have started eating and build a burrow. Currently in the process of prepping my 3 tier 3ft tank but im missing a middle tank because it has to be custom made as with the standard 3x1.5x1.5 i wont have any room space. That tank will mostly be cycling for 5 months plus with some seed media from the main tank.

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