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Plans for my first marine.

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Hi all marine keepers, I am a fresh blood from the fw side of the hobby, I still am and I wish to venture into marine fish keeping .

My plans for a small tank in my room. Initially I wanted to purchase one set which was recommended by the sales lady... But I feel that it is abit over price. 2xx+

And the glass quality is not that good.

So I decided to source for parts outside.

For my tank- ans opticlear tank 45x27x30cm with glass cover (is it advisable to put a tank cover ? ) post-24096-1418442028877_thumb.jpg

Lights - up aqua pro z series led light for marine (45cm) post-24096-1418442038414_thumb.jpg

Filtration - atman hang on back filter with skimmer ( what flow rate should I get ?)post-24096-14184421067436_thumb.jpg

I am not getting a skimmer as I will be putting the set in my room... Don't want too much noise haha. (But please share your views on this)

Anyway, where can I buy live sand and live rocks?

I have no idea what corals or fish I am gonner put as my knowledge on those are pretty limited...

Maybe some seniors out there might be able to guide me ? Haha

Thank you in advance!

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For a start maybe we can have your budget :) that will give us something to work on.

If u have space in your room, I would suggest a tank with sump setup complete with cabinet. This will make maintenance way way easier.

But if has not possible, it's not impossible to have a marine tank either. The one sitting in my room is proof of this.

Here's what I have at the moment:

- Custom IOS tank (50L)

- Tunze 9004 skimmer (it's almost silent) ~ $170

- Skimz biopellet reactor (not very necessary) - $90

- Arctica 1/10 chiller secondhand $350 (there's a cheap one going in pasar malam now)

- AI SOL Blue lights secondhand $400.

My equipment lost have many overkill items and there are cheaper version of lights and chillers out there. Let us have Ur budget and we can advise better :)

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Bro, do u intend to keep any coral? If yes what type of coral? LPS? SPS? Softies?

The pro z series alone is not enough for corals.

The HOB filtet itself is not enough, u need at least 15 times ur tank water volume flow rate.

Think of it this way, mechanical filter bio filter chemical filter are important to keep ur water para to keep fish and coral. Then follow by the right lights and wave.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Im using Fluval C3 hob filter for my nano reef. It is more costly but is a silent filter and cleaning is easy(very important). Also i dont have to stop the filter operation to clean and i dont have to wash away all beneficial bacteria at 1 go. Google it to understand.

For skimmer im using skimz monsters sh1 and sh2 which is also a HOB skimmer. Easy cleaning and effective.

Spend abit more on equipment to save yourself from heartache and expensive deadfishes.

By the way i place my tank by the window and is using a single fan only. Temp is between 27.5 to 28.5.

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Bro RayL got it right. Getting the right equipment right from the start will save u a lot of trouble at the end. Some equipments may have cheaper alternatives but those will never really work the same.

I think to streamline Ur decision, try and figure out what are the fishes or corals that really catch ur eyes and u really want it. This will help u estimate the size of tank u need.

For a 30cm cube nano, U are basically restricted to 3-4 small fishes with a few corals at the most.

If u want to keep tangs, like yellow tang or blue tang, a 45cm cube would be the minimum U need and even then u can only have 1 tang at the most with a few small fishes.

This choice will then help u decide what other equipments to have.

HOB filters I would say Fluval got theirs designed really well. Can even have 2 running side by side so u have 1 for filter and another as a refugium. It's not going to be cheap though at ~$60 each.

For skimmers u can get the skimz for Abit more then $100. If u want something nice on the inside, get be hang-on version. That will safe U internal space.

As for lights, I would suggest u keep that on hold first. Afterall u won't need lights for the first 1 month while u cycle the tank. Take this period to safe abit more and get urself some nice lights. PAR38 bulbs with ikea holders will be the minimum if u want to keep corals. Those are around $70-80 per set. Each set should be good for 30cm of tank.

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Hmm as the tank serves as a nano tank I am afraid if I put more filtration it won't look nice haha.. Initial plan was a hob and a mini skimmer .... My budget around $250.... 36cm or 45 cm tank both works for me.... As long as there is cover..haha
Possible. I had a nano like yours when i first started. Tank + HOB filter. You need to do 20 -30% WC weekly. Get Tunze 9002 or 9004 if you have the extra cash. Basically i still using this setup for my QT.Go to Madpetz for your par38 and holder. Ken have a dry demo setup > nano tank with par38 light and tunze 9002
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How to maintain such small tank if gg oversea for 10days to prevent dead livestock? I been struggling to setup a nano or a 3ft.

Just build a easy-to-maintain coral and invert only nano tank. All you have to worry is water top up for 10days. Nutrients should be fine.
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Clowns, contrary to what people have said, are very delicate and sensitive. They r usually first to die if water para changes.

I dont feel that way, probably true for true perc but for common clown not so. They are after all,damsels which are known for being extremely hardy
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