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Starting FOWLR

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  • SRC Member

Hi, I have the intention to convert my 6 ft arowana tank to FOWLR.

I am now looking for a suitable skimmer for my tank. I am considering:

1) SKIMZ OVAL D-Series SV223 DC

2) Skimz Monzter E Series SM201

3) Bubble Magus BM curve 9

Which one is better?

I also thinking of using biopellet and is considering SKIMZ BR100 bio pallet reactor.

Any feedback on this reactor?

I also will using one of the sump compartment for refugium.

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  • SRC Member

skimmer wise - biggest capacity per $ is best. all 3 skimmers are in the same class. curve 9 up to 1500L, both skimz is up to 2000L. from my experience both brands produce workhorse skimmers. after sales also good since skimz is local and for bm, if u get from razali, his after sales is also good.

Biopellet - to be honest, I am using one. but for a fowlr, I think its not worth ur time running the extra equipment. I am on my last batch of biopellets and once they are finished, I will pull them out.

refugium - also not needed for fowlr. the cons outweigh the pro.

all this my opinion though. u can still run them if u like. no harm just extra maintenance.

drop by TFC. see their main tank fowlr. even if its 8ft, the sump is fairly simple. and perhaps you can get a few tips from their friendly boss as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

bombom, Thanks for the reply.

Why is refugium more con than pro for fowlr?

My intention is to have minimal WC and that's why I intend to run biopellets and refugium.

Now still waiting to sell off my arowana before I can start anything.

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Running biopllets/GFO is always good. Even when it's only a FOWL tank and fish can take high nitrates, they still will do better in cleaner water.

Especially if u have a very big tank and WC will take a lot of salt and water. Running biopallets/GFO can and will extend the frequency of WC don't u think so?

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Imho, to have a successful FOWLR required regular wc like 40-50% bi-weekly unless u only keeping a few fishes only and/or fishes growth compromised..to start a FOWLR, get more bio media house in sump n a oversized skimmer..to top up can put algone, biosphere, run UV, etc.. :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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  • SRC Supporter

bombom, Thanks for the reply.

Why is refugium more con than pro for fowlr?

My intention is to have minimal WC and that's why I intend to run biopellets and refugium.

Now still waiting to sell off my arowana before I can start anything.

If you need an exporter for your No3, then i would choose biopallet than refugium. Reason being if there is a need to use copper into your main tank one day ( which can be highly possible esp for a fish only tank keeping angel fish or butterfly ) , the copper will disrupt the refugium system.

More importantly is an over sized skimmer to help take care of the excess bioload.

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  • SRC Member

If you need an exporter for your No3, then i would choose biopallet than refugium. Reason being if there is a need to use copper into your main tank one day ( which can be highly possible esp for a fish only tank keeping angel fish or butterfly ) , the copper will disrupt the refugium system.

More importantly is an over sized skimmer to help take care of the excess bioload.

+1 to this.

anws look at the skimmate and my filter sock after one week for my fowlr. oversized skimmer is really a must.



sorry didnt rotate the pics.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for all the reply.

Bombom, how big is your tank and what skimmer are you using?

Harlequin Mania, how will copper disrupt the refugium?

3ft tank, BM Curve 7. 10 fishes, 1 Large Emperor, 7 smaller angels and 2 chromis.

with rgds to copper and refugium, copper will most likely kill ur macroalgae and whatever good things in ur refugium. plus if u have sand, it will absorb the copper to some extent.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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3ft tank, BM Curve 7. 10 fishes, 1 Large Emperor, 7 smaller angels and 2 chromis.

with rgds to copper and refugium, copper will most likely kill ur macroalgae and whatever good things in ur refugium. plus if u have sand, it will absorb the copper to some extent.

When you start to dose copper into a reef tank, the whole filter will be affected as worm, invert ect inside your live rock and refugium will start to die off which might also cause an ammonia spike. Which is also why for a FOWLR setup ,a bare bottom tank is recommended.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the info. Most likely will be not use copper on DT. I plan to have a running QT to house all new fishes before going into the DT.

Well now still in planning stage. Need to sell my aro before I can put any ideas into action.

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Imho, having a QT is good..but proper QT take 6-8 weeks in order to eradicate ich..so best is to have a big QT with copper treatment, reason being can QT more fishes at one time.. If not I wanna how long it will take to fill up ur big tank with fishes..worst case is if suddenly ich were to visit ur DT, its either dose copper or hypo or remove all fishes n run fallow..only the later can save the refugium..for FOWLR, refugium not feasible..overkill skimmer, many bio-media, regular wc n dose cupramine if necessary will suffice..cheers :)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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  • 5 months later...
  • SRC Member

Hi, will be starting my FOWLR soon. My aro will be going to my friend's pond in mid June.

Need to start looking for dead/fake rocks and equipment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

I am seriously considering getting Deltec SC1660 after paying a visit to MadPetz today. Likely to get the artificial rocks from MadPetz too.

I think a sc1660 might be alittle small for a 6ft fowlr. How many L can your tank hold? SC1660 heavy stock for 1100L normal stock 1300L, this make the turnover rate about 1 time nia. If possible go for at least 2 or 3 times.

regarding using artifical rocks, if u want to know more, pm me, i will tell u something that might change your mind.

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Hi Bro Dominik,

I just recently decomm my 6"ft Tank and have loads of equipment which may be of interest to you for your set-up. I have yet to list down my equipment for sales as am busy with house shifting/ unpacking.

For starters,

I have a Skimz SM251 which will do just fine for your intended set-up. Let me know if the skimmer interests you. Thanks.

Below is a detailed product description for your consideration:-

The Skimz SM251 protein skimmer is engineered for the advanced reefer seeking an extreme performance skimmer. Fitted with 2 Skimz ES5000 needlewheel pumps, the SM251 draws an amazing 1920 litres per hour of air. The incredible skimming performance of the SM251 makes it suitable for tanks up to 3000 litres and will meet the needs of the most demanding reefer.

SKIMZ’s latest design allows cleaned water to exit the protein skimmer chamber at its base where it is almost bubble-free. Precise adjustment of the water level within the skimmer body can now be easily achieved using the new Micro-adjustable Valve.

No feed pump required, skimmer draws water directly from sump.

Technical Data:

• Skimmer pump: 2 Skimz ES5000 needlewheel
• Power consumption: 40W
• Air intake: 1920 l/h


• L 286 x W 286 x H 570mm
• Skimmer body diameter (mm): 250

For Aquariums:

• 1000 - 3000 litres


• In sump version

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the offer but gotten Deltec SC1660.

Cleaned the tank (really back breaking) and scraped the rocks (70% dead rocks, 30% artificial rocks).

Last night topped up the tank with DI water (1/3 filled), will continue tonight.

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