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Weekly Shipment Updates: 8th Dec - 14th Dec

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anyone spotted midas blenny??

2 left at TFC bro. From the Kenya shipment.

Tank Size: 3.5 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft
Sump: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft”
Return Pump: Eheim 1264
Chiller Pump: H2Ocean Flow Pump 3000
Skimmer: Vertex Alpha 200
Wavemakers: 2 X Maxspect Gyre 130; 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP10WES, 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP40WES, 1x Jebao RW15
Filtration: Schuran Multifilter 100 (Rowa Phos), Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 Fluidised Reactor (Vertex Rox 0.8 Carbon), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR45 (NP Biopellets & All In One Biopellets) with Eden 140 Pump, Santa Monica Hogx1 Algae Turf Scrubber, Cheato
Calcium Reactor: Skimz CM152 with needle valve and Maxijet 600 feed Pump (CaribSea ARM Extra Coarse ,KZ Coral Gravel, Two Little Fishies Reborn, Grotech Magnesium Pro)
Dosing: Bubble Magnus Dosing Pump BM-T01 + 2 x 4 Head Expansion Accessory BM-T02
Bio Media: Marine Pure, Bacteria King, Eheim Substrat Pro, Eheim Substrat, Seachem DeNitrate, PowerHouse Hard, Polyplab Biosphere, Seachem Purigen

Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/3 Hp - DBE-150)
Lighting: ATI Powermodule 6 x 39 Watt T5. Solite 4 x 39 Watt T5 (Only 2 used) (Blue+ Blue+ Coral+ Purple+ Coral+ AB Special) (Blue+ Purple+)
Auto Top Up system: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off
Monitoring: 2 x Milwaukee MC 122 PH Controller (Calcium Reactor & PH Monitoring)

Substrate: CaribSea Aragamax Select


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TFC @ 1345

Midas Blenny

Powder blue tang

African Flameback

Indian Ocean sailfin tangs

Yellow tangs

Leopard wrasse

Evansi anthias

Blue eye Anthias male

Tank Size: 3.5 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft
Sump: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft”
Return Pump: Eheim 1264
Chiller Pump: H2Ocean Flow Pump 3000
Skimmer: Vertex Alpha 200
Wavemakers: 2 X Maxspect Gyre 130; 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP10WES, 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP40WES, 1x Jebao RW15
Filtration: Schuran Multifilter 100 (Rowa Phos), Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 Fluidised Reactor (Vertex Rox 0.8 Carbon), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR45 (NP Biopellets & All In One Biopellets) with Eden 140 Pump, Santa Monica Hogx1 Algae Turf Scrubber, Cheato
Calcium Reactor: Skimz CM152 with needle valve and Maxijet 600 feed Pump (CaribSea ARM Extra Coarse ,KZ Coral Gravel, Two Little Fishies Reborn, Grotech Magnesium Pro)
Dosing: Bubble Magnus Dosing Pump BM-T01 + 2 x 4 Head Expansion Accessory BM-T02
Bio Media: Marine Pure, Bacteria King, Eheim Substrat Pro, Eheim Substrat, Seachem DeNitrate, PowerHouse Hard, Polyplab Biosphere, Seachem Purigen

Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/3 Hp - DBE-150)
Lighting: ATI Powermodule 6 x 39 Watt T5. Solite 4 x 39 Watt T5 (Only 2 used) (Blue+ Blue+ Coral+ Purple+ Coral+ AB Special) (Blue+ Purple+)
Auto Top Up system: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off
Monitoring: 2 x Milwaukee MC 122 PH Controller (Calcium Reactor & PH Monitoring)

Substrate: CaribSea Aragamax Select


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anyone spotted midas blenny??

Aquarist Chamber has a LOT of midas, red sea variety.

Aquarist Chamber Pte Ltd

Address: 787A Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore 534655 (beside Hillside Drive along Upper Serangoon Road next to Greenland Vegetarian Restaurant)

Getting here: Bus - 80, 81, 82, 101, 107, 107M, 136, 153 (nearest bus stop will be opposite or along Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre)
Email: sales@aquarist-chamber.com

Telephone: +65 66356041

Website: www.Aquarist-Chamber.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/AquaristChamber/

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  • SRC Member
Aquarist Chamber has a LOT of midas, red sea variety.
2 left at TFC bro. From the Kenya shipment.
TFC @ 1345 Midas Blenny Powder blue tang African Flameback Indian Ocean sailfin tangs Yellow tangs Leopard wrasse Evansi anthias Blue eye Anthias male
thanks guys will find a way to go thos weekend.
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very good sizing and quality for the midas at TFC.

Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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Anyone spotted bicolor cleaner wrasse anywhere? Had been looking around for quite sometime liao

Aquarist Chamber has a LOT of midas, red sea variety.
Aquarist Chamber has a LOT of midas, red sea variety.
Btw, I had been waiting for 1mth for ur Red Sea cleaner wrasse, is it still available?
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