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In general twice a week would be good. There are a lot of coral food brands available but I use Polyplab Reef Zoid. Some brands packs with liquid that are 99% water and I prefer something more natural (not pallets as they may foul water more easily) and prefer something more concentrated.

Amino acid supplement can also be good for your inverts. Cheers and good reefing.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks. Just wondering what the difference of and SPS Or LPS coral. Which is more easy to keep?

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Observe the difference in their polyp size you will be able to differentiate.

SPS is the most demanding among coral.



Maxspect Gyre

Maxspect Razer 120w 16k

H2O FR with Rowa

Eheim Universal 2400

BM Nac 5.5

JBJ Arctica 1/10Hp

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  • SRC Member

Just a word of caution.. be sure to dip your newly bought corals.

I just bought a piece of Glove Polyp and dipped it.

A spear mantis shrimp, a slug, a banded serpent starfish, a few twitching worms and some round things came out.

Really scare the hell out of me.

Please dip the corals no matter how clean u think it is.

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