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Discussion over Powderblue tang.


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Hi guys !
I would like to hear from you.

Anyone of you have success story keeping a powderblue tang alive?
Or would like to share about how it's the only fish that cant survive in your tank.

My tank is 180 Gallon with 2 blue tang, 1 blue rim angelfish, 1 purple tang and 1 brown tang with a few chromis and midas blenny.
Parameter(no2,no3,ammonia) are always 0. (Whole sump with biohome plus and denitrate). Water change 10% per week.

Will add calcium/strontium/magnesium with test kit.

However my power blue tang when first introduce already start eating pellet and swimming plenty of laps.

Suddenly after 3 days it just stop swimming and laying on the sand. Eventually pass on.

This is the 3rd powder blue tang that pass away in this manners.

Corals I have lps sps.

Anemone carpet,bubble tips.

Don't think the carpet stung them.

No white spot show on powder blue during the purchase till the date pass away.

Just want to know how to keep it alive or maybe it just don't suit in my captive.

All powder blue bought in the same store.
Share with me your experience guys :)

No aggression observe in the tank.

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I have had mine for close to 1 month so far so good the first one I had also died on me for no reason too, I thk they need stable water perimeters, was adviced to keep powder blue only after 6 months when the water is more stable.

Other then that its a beautiful fish but very aggressive it beats up any new addition sometimes almost relentlessly.

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Bro, have a try again with TFC powder blue tang from Maldives , personally felt that the fish from Maldives will be more higher rate of survive compare to Indonesia

bro which lfs recommended for pbt?

what's tfc haha

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