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Survey for NUS research paper


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

I'm a student of NUS and a reefer for >2 years now and I am currently taking the following module:


My team and I have decided to focus our final term paper on the impact (if any) of the marine aquarium industry on the coral reefs in the region and around the world.

In addition, we want to find out if the governmental regulations in place now are of any effect to the industry and should they be further exercised to protect the natural reefs.

Lastly we also explore the possibilities of high-tech farming possibilities in Singapore to both serve as a method of "re-foresting the reefs" as well as to supplement the aquarium trade with cultivated/propogated corals rather than wild harvested ones.

We would appreciate if you take a few moments to fill up a simple online survey for us:

Click here for the Survey

Thanks in advane and I look forward to your replies.

Ervine Lin

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