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New Tank

Ian Joseph

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Hi bro, u can call up various tank makers in singapore. Also check out our sponsors here, some of them have a gallery where u can see all the previous builts by the tank maker. Also, most fish shops in singapore will also be able to do custom tanks for u on request.

I would suggest u spending some time deciding on the type of system u will want to run.

Ultimately your tank maker should help u with the sump design itself, but knowing what type of system u plan on using, helps them better to understand the sump requirements to fulfill ur needs.

If u need help on sump designs, just do a search on google, much easier than waiting for a reply to be honest.

Typical sump design : Filter chamber (filter sock or wool), skimmer (+reactor), refugium, return


I Love Stagsss

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i was thinking on a 4ft overflow tank or maybe slightly bigger, as for sump still not sure what going to go into filter chamber. confirm gonna put skimmer and refugium and return. just reading up on reactor. and also trying to work with a very, very tight budget. thanks for the help. was planning on fowlr then maybe slowly add corals. lights wise i am looking at t5 or led still pondering. btw also got a halie hc300a chiller :)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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Take ur time to plan for the tank bro. With ur first tank, its always easy to make common mistakes. Most of the tank makers here are pretty reliable and honest, so u can check with them when ur ready.

1/4hp chiller can support a 4ft tank, but it will struggle abit on warmer days to bring down the temp. I wouldnt go for anything larger than a 4ft.

Second ur idea to start off with fowlr and slowly move on to keeping hardier corals and eventually the more sensitive ones when u get the hang off the in and outs of reef tank.

Led and t5 is a huge debate. Its more of a personal expierence. Either way u go, try to get a good quality fixture rather than a cheap one. Since i started, ive gone through 4 sets of lightings just because i wasn't willing to spend a few more bucks.


I Love Stagsss

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Take ur time to plan for the tank bro. With ur first tank, its always easy to make common mistakes. Most of the tank makers here are pretty reliable and honest, so u can check with them when ur ready.

1/4hp chiller can support a 4ft tank, but it will struggle abit on warmer days to bring down the temp. I wouldnt go for anything larger than a 4ft.

Second ur idea to start off with fowlr and slowly move on to keeping hardier corals and eventually the more sensitive ones when u get the hang off the in and outs of reef tank.

Led and t5 is a huge debate. Its more of a personal expierence. Either way u go, try to get a good quality fixture rather than a cheap one. Since i started, ive gone through 4 sets of lightings just because i wasn't willing to spend a few more bucks.

thanks ToFuBox, yeah now just doing homework to slowly plan. gonna try and use what spare items i have from my old 3ft decom. but thanks again :)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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Welcome back to reefing! :)

My suggestion for sump would be:

-Pipe from overflow straight into 2 (using a T-joint) filter socks.

-second compartment 1 oversized skimmer and enough space to introduce a reactor in future. Go look at the footprint of current reactors and cater for that space.

-third compartment for Refugium or biofilters or have a forth compartment so u can have both. Preferable dun put these 2 items together. Had a lot of debris stuck on my biofilters due to the Refugium.

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so far went through storeroom i have a Boyu dg1520 missing cover, one algae scrubber with housing to fit 2 double 1foot lights on each side, 1 4xt5 light and 1 2xt5 light. so sad dont think i can use anything lol( only algae scrubber)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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Ok so here goes, went to a few lfs today got pricing for new tank 4x2x2 with metal stand and sump 3 compartments roughly about 1.2k with delivery and piping. checked some others premade also about 1.1k before delivery and piping (??? so weird thought custom would be alot more).

These are the items i am deciding on,

4x2.5x2 tank or 4x2x2

3ft sump with 3/4 comparments

1st compartment normal filter stuff with sock, might put in my algae scrubber in here

2nd refugium with maybe a white led(also hoping to cut a hole if cabinet so can see through :eyebrow: )

3rd skimmer and (some reactor later on)

4th Hailea hx8890 or Jebao DC12000 to pump into my Hailea hc300a chiller then back to my main tank

Btw anyone got just the cover for boyu dg-1520 skimmer? mine lost :cry2:

Skimmers i am looking at are Bubble Magus BM curve 7, SKIMZ Mini DC Skimmer SN143 or Reef Octopus NWB-150

In main tank planning to use Jebao RW 8 wireless wavemaker just one for now.

Lights 2x par38 full spectrum and 1x par38 royal blue( not sure if enough but willing to add on, only said 3 cos got a nice holder at ikea for 3 B) )

i do understand that alot of these items might be quite budget. but what to do i can only aim for these now. slowly will upgrade and i do appreciate if anyone has any feedback for me. Thank you all in advance.

Also if anyone has any idea about sumps please feel free to correct me but i thought of initially putting all the filtration in 1st compartment, 2nd put the skimmer all, 3rd put refugium and last put chiller. Got any specific order please do let me know :)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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So finally today collected exactly what I wanted 4x2.5x2 thanks to a nice bro foc.

So today step one just cleaned the sump of everything I could scrub. Soak with soda bleach and soap then wash like mad! Now gonna KO till tomorrow. Overjoyed nonetheless. Tank park in my room till after Christmas then my mom (CO) say can start outside. Still awaiting CFO approval for some items.



Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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finally its here! Time to show us your christmas presents!

Not so soon bro CFO (fiancee) need to approve but most items will come one at a time. Got to clean display tank. Gonna resilicon the pipes. Vinegar wash. Then install items as I buy them. Tank should start cycling after Christmas day or on 25th itself. Fingers crossed. Still got lights and what not to get ;)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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HI all, been reading up on algae scrubbers and just wanted to know, i have an 15x3 algae scrubber, would it be sufficient for my tank? And Would i be needing a skimmer still?

Idea is Sump has 3 compartments and will use overflow>scrubber> 1st compartment, refugium> 2nd compartment return to DT(out and in to chiller here)

Any gurus here can point me in the right direction? Thank You.

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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I'm using 4 feet tank with 3.5 feet sump. 3 component with filter media/coral chip/ return pump plus skimmer and bio pellet reactor. Seem working fine for me without refugium

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I'm using 4 feet tank with 3.5 feet sump. 3 component with filter media/coral chip/ return pump plus skimmer and bio pellet reactor. Seem working fine for me without refugium

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Guccivera, i was still wondering if i used the SM100 could i do away with the skimmer and reactor? With the refugium( kinda like having a lil food place below)

Best regards and Happy Reefing!

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