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RODI resin


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I'm using only DI resin wrapped up and running a pump to push water thru. ~150ml can yield at least 60L of water at 0ppm, i.e. 3 times using the 20kg salt mix bucket filled to 2cm below rim.

1.5' Cube | Overflow Box | 1' Sump with filter sock and 3L bacteria king | Eheim 1000 return pump | BM 3.5 | Sunsun JVP-110 wavemaker | Full spectrum Par38
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I'm using a closed loop rodi system as in the picture. Pump will pump water from container into the filters and the output will go back into the same container.

The good thing about such a system is that the rodi media can be used to its maximum capabilities. 0ppm is no longer dependent on how fresh the filter media is but dependent on how long u run the pump.

When brand new, 50L of water took less than 1hr to reach 0ppm. These days it reach 0ppm in 2 hours or slightly longer. Haha! I gave up keeping track of the time. Sometimes I just leave it running and go out, turning it off only when I'm back. There's no risk of overflowing anyways :)


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I'm using a closed loop rodi system as in the picture. Pump will pump water from container into the filters and the output will go back into the same container.

The good thing about such a system is that the rodi media can be used to its maximum capabilities. 0ppm is no longer dependent on how fresh the filter media is but dependent on how long u run the pump.

When brand new, 50L of water took less than 1hr to reach 0ppm. These days it reach 0ppm in 2 hours or slightly longer. Haha! I gave up keeping track of the time. Sometimes I just leave it running and go out, turning it off only when I'm back. There's no risk of overflowing anyways :)


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Most RODI system runs the same way. brand wise most of them are the same. They are canister that allow water to flow through various pre-filter and membrane.

What if I tell you I can DIY a set up exactly like crystal pro and its lower than the selling price of available models in market? Whats the diff between different brand then?


@PowderTang You need to understand the various stages of a RODI unit first. Your existing crystal pro 3 can be turn into a RODI unit with the correct addition.

Stage 1: 5 Micron sediment filter that filter out particles bigger than 5 micron. (i.e. acts exactly like the micron filter in your sump)

Stage 2: Carbon block that de-chlorine the water and remove any organic compound (smell, contaminant and chemical etc)

Stage 3: TFC membrane that removes many other contaminants and this is what restrict the water flow

Stage 4: De-Ionization through resin.

The only diff is the membranes and pre-filters used in each unit and their capacity.


@PowderTang, if you want to add a RO membrane into your existing unit, you need to get this to house the above RO membrane. Cost just a few bucks if you know where to get.


And than get this to hold the canister:


Set up:


So where can you buy all this? Our boleh neighbour have most of the things in their departmental store. The rest? Taobao lo.

PS: I can fix up a unit for you at lower than retail price, with USA made membrane. PM to express your interest for a 4 stage unit. Pricing yet to be conclusive.

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