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EvolutionZ's Floating Reef


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  • SRC Member

Well I started this tank with led + t5 and colors are ok so far, my old tank's t5 probably hung too high up so I don't see any great improvement.

However for this tank, the t5 fills up many shadows caused by the razor and the t5 alone is able to lit up the tank pretty decently.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member


Went for a week long holiday, came back realised AIO Biopellet reactor is off-ed. Dosing container (Ca, kH) Both empty, which i forgot to replenish before i left! Luckily things were fine when i got back, just loads of algae and kH was at 6+.

Did a 30% WC to 'balance' everything.


New addition, 8 pieces of Red spot cardinal, they started feeding on frozen rotifers hours after adding in. Was told their survival rate are low, fingers crossed


Some new additions



Strawberry fields


Optic Fibre pocci


Despite the issues above, noticed new growth tip from this blue tip green stag!


Some old stuffs..

Sunset Monti, Shifted this frag many times and guess what, turns out it prefers the sandbed most!


Red Planet


Old purpleish-green color is returning to this old frag!


Aussie duncan


Full tank shot! As you can see, im battling tons of algae now! I probably used too little AIO Biopellet (150g?) thus po4 is not being reduced efficiently. I started rowaphos today with a TLF phosban 150 reactor and will be reverting back to Vinegar dosing + Rowaphos. Strange enough, salifert been reading 0.1 no3 and 0 po4 all the while. I do know salifert's po4 test kit cannot be trusted though!


Thats all for today. Thanks for viewing!

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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Went for a week long holiday, came back realised AIO Biopellet reactor is off-ed. Dosing container (Ca, kH) Both empty, which i forgot to replenish before i left! Luckily things were fine when i got back, just loads of algae and kH was at 6+.

Did a 30% WC to 'balance' everything.


New addition, 8 pieces of Red spot cardinal, they started feeding on frozen rotifers hours after adding in. Was told their survival rate are low, fingers crossed


Some new additions



Strawberry fields


Optic Fibre pocci


Despite the issues above, noticed new growth tip from this blue tip green stag!


Some old stuffs..

Sunset Monti, Shifted this frag many times and guess what, turns out it prefers the sandbed most!


Red Planet


Old purpleish-green color is returning to this old frag!


Aussie duncan


Full tank shot! As you can see, im battling tons of algae now! I probably used too little AIO Biopellet (150g?) thus po4 is not being reduced efficiently. I started rowaphos today with a TLF phosban 150 reactor and will be reverting back to Vinegar dosing + Rowaphos. Strange enough, salifert been reading 0.1 no3 and 0 po4 all the while. I do know salifert's po4 test kit cannot be trusted though!


Thats all for today. Thanks for viewing!


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  • SRC Member

Bro, keep up your water change every 3-4 days for at least the next 1-2 weeks to ensure everything in the tank goes back to balanced mode :)

Everything looking really good too ^.^

Thanks, rest assure everything was back to normal after the 30% WC and topping up the rest of the big 3.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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Its been a week since i started running Rowaphos and its been 4 days since i stopped running AIO Biopellets. Friend was kind enough to help me test my po4 with a Hanna checker and astonishingly, my po4 is at 0.11ppm! Cant image the po4 level 1 week before (Which i've yet to start rowaphos).

Now for some coral pics!

A Pretty crocea!


I've noticed some color changes after i stopped AIO and started rowaphos.

Blue tip are starting to appear on my ice fire


Desalwi's green is coming back


Purple bonsai's purple is coming back too


Bali slimmer previously was almost brown!


Brown-ed out SSC


Recently acquired SSC also browned out!


Luckily color of my fav SSC is still not too bad


Loving this blue tenius, my first 'test water' frag for this tank turns out the be a beauty, should've bought a colony instead!


2 new addition from auzzie



As you can see from the coral pictures above, you can spot a great amount of green hair algae, brown algae and some cyano. Bought a sea hare hoping it will do some good!

I've also been stocking up pretty fast and should be stopping collection of anymore fishes!

Fish list now :

1 x True perc

4 x Blue Eye Anthias

2 x Dispar anthias

3 x Red spot cardinal (Damn, 5 died! 1 a day!)

1 x Mandarin

1 x Fairy solon wrasse

1 x Melanurus Wrasse

1 x Fork tail Blenny

1 x Midas Blenny

Clean Up Crew:

6 x Sand-sifting star

10 x nassarius snail

4 x Astrea Snail

4 x Turbo Snail

4 x Spiny astrea snail

2 x Red leg hermit crab

1 x Abalone

1 x Sea Hare

Total of 16 fishes! Most of them are small (1") only the mel and solon wrasse are bigger. Most are on TDO pellets only some new additions are yet to be trained.



Thats all for now! Thanks for viewing!

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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The cardinals were doing great and even eating on TDO pellets, but as per what coral farm auntie predictions. I would only have half or less than half left, I believe my waves were too strong and out of 5 which died. 3 bodies will found, 2 totally missing. The remaining 3 are doing good after I adjusted my wave maker position

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

yo bro, dont mind if i ask what the name of you new aussie SPS (the light blue one, top of the photo)


As for the algae, since you are doing large WC, why not blow them off the LR then siphon them out during the WC?

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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  • SRC Member

yo bro, dont mind if i ask what the name of you new aussie SPS (the light blue one, top of the photo)

attachicon.gifAussie SPS.jpg

As for the algae, since you are doing large WC, why not blow them off the LR then siphon them out during the WC?

Hey, Believe me, i have no idea what's the name! I do know the name of the other aussie piece which is a A. Spathulata.

Im only doing 10% A week now which i do what you mentioned. i also blow them off daily and they all get trapped in my filter sock. The algae have been greatly reduced since the start of using rowaphos.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

Hey, Believe me, i have no idea what's the name! I do know the name of the other aussie piece which is a A. Spathulata.

Im only doing 10% A week now which i do what you mentioned. i also blow them off daily and they all get trapped in my filter sock. The algae have been greatly reduced since the start of using rowaphos.

Bro, sorry ah, cos I think I also have a similar frag (yours is a lot more beautiful). Do you think yours are like those in the link?

Acropora Prostrata Blueish



子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member


A couple new SPS frags :

Royal Blue millie


Red stag


Interesting yellow/green acro with red polyps




Rainbow tenuis


20K Lokani


Some fishes:

Soon-to-be alpha male Blue eye anthias, been fighting with another blue eye of similar size and this fella's winning!


Carpenter's flasher wrasse, really active fella!


Midas blenny


Solon fairy wrasse


Big fat Melanurus wrasse


my 3 surviving red spot cardinals


I also switched to the Gyre XF-130 a week ago and im loving it!


EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

Ooh... Red stag!

Angel Keeper

Very deep red! Hope i can hold the color!

Hi. May I know what is the sps at the bottom right of Mermaid? Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its a recently aquired aussie acro

Great photography skills..Bro, what camera are you using?

Thanks but its far from great! im using Sony A550 + 50/f1.8 prime lens.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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