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WTS: JBL UV-C 18W UV Sterilizer

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Guys, I have a 4 month old sterilizer as stated in the heading.

It was only used for a month during my tank cycling and I took it down due to space constraints in my sump.

Not trying to brag about this equipment, but I only used Level-2 sterilization during my tank cycling and I did not even see any algae, cyanobacteria or hair algae...

Level 1 sterilization requires a slower flow and will eradicate even free-floating ich and most bacteria.

I bought it from Auntie C328 in end July at S$288 (considered discounted price liao) but I lost the receipt... However if there are any doubts on the purchase date or price, I'll be most willing to meet you at C328 to verify my claims.

My selling price is S$200 considering it was only used for a month... It's negotiable but don't expect a huge cut... I'm contactable via WhatsApp or SMS at 81394414 for sales enquiry... Collection is at Bukit Panjang...

I have attached 3 pictures... 2 of them are with dimensions...

Angel Keeper





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