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New n need advise


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Hello friends

I've just started this hobby 2mths ago with a nano tank.Bought a 2x1x1ft tank n sump form a nice bro from this forum. I need advise please.

The equipments are

LED light ( cartoons ) from the nano tank

Skimmer too from the nano tank.

sump ,overflow, fan.

I have some liverocks and fishes they're

damsel x1

clowns x2

Pacific blue tang x1

snowflake eel x1

box fish x1

yellowtail coris x1

Today the parameters are

Ph between 8.0-8.2

nitrate No3 160 ppm

ammonia Nh3 / Nh4 0 ppm nitrite No2 0

salinity 1.022

The temperature is always at 28.5 to 29.5 with fan on.

the nitrate looks like too high , what should I do and are there anything else wrong I should do ?

Thank you for reading.


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It's good to see that both your Ammonia and Nitrite are zero since these are the 2 most dangerous things to our fishes.

Yups you are right about your Nitrate being too high. Usually we try and keep it below 50.

In your tank, there should already be many organisms that are utilizing your nitrates at the moment. This includes Algae and Diatoms.

Biopellets is currently one of the most popular way of reducing nitrates as it is fuss free and relatively cheap compared to other chemical filtration methods.

Also ensure that u have enough anaerobic zones in either your sump (bio filter media like Biohome/Bacteria King/Marinepure Cermedia/deep sand bed) or your tank (life rocks). This will allow bacteria that changes Nitrate to Nitrogen to grow.

If possible, u can also keep macro algae in a section of your sump (if it allows) and have a separate light set (cheap one will do) for it. The grow of macro algae will reduce the nitrates in your tank and that's the "food" they use up. It will also be a good house for Copepods which is good food for most fishes.

Oh ya .. Do try to increase your water's salinity. It's slightly too low. Try and keep it between 1.023 to 1.025

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Hi Turtle 1989 & Mitchell

thank you for the advise, I'll work on it and do some changes. I feed the fish once a day with fish granules just enough ,finished then I give a little more so they don't have leftover, and raw fish meat for the eel.I change water 2 weeks once about 20% only.



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Love how spacious your sump is :)

Hmm.. What Skimmer are u using? Seems a little small to me.

If u want to add biopellets, add it into the same compartment as your skimmer. The output of the reactor should be in the same compartment as the skimmer.

Are those Black bioballs? I would personally prefer to use fully ceremic/sintered glass biomedia. Maybe can slowly replace the bioballs with either of the biofilters I mentioned above. (Do not change all at once. Your bacteria need time to grow in the new media so leave the old ones there to sustain the tank while the new ones cultivates)

*I think Bacteria King doesn't allow for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria capable of reducing Nitrates. Bros correct me if I'm wrong.

Can try dosing Bacteria as well. There's Bacter7 that I'm using which I find not too bad :)

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Love how spacious your sump is :)

Hmm.. What Skimmer are u using? Seems a little small to me.

If u want to add biopellets, add it into the same compartment as your skimmer. The output of the reactor should be in the same compartment as the skimmer.

Are those Black bioballs? I would personally prefer to use fully ceremic/sintered glass biomedia. Maybe can slowly replace the bioballs with either of the biofilters I mentioned above. (Do not change all at once. Your bacteria need time to grow in the new media so leave the old ones there to sustain the tank while the new ones cultivates)

*I think Bacteria King doesn't allow for the cultivation of anaerobic bacteria capable of reducing Nitrates. Bros correct me if I'm wrong.

Can try dosing Bacteria as well. There's Bacter7 that I'm using which I find not too bad :)



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Gd morning bro yes the skimmer is way too small. It's call Boyu I think. I have a small liverock and a small tank inside got two horse sh crab. ( Found the eggs at changi beach ) brought it home and this is how I started to this hobby. No I don't have black bioballs. I will buy the bacter7 later .Thank you very much for the advise bro.
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Morning, nice rock wall u have there, DIY ed?

Your skimmer doing its job at producing skimmate? Sometimes when it is not adjusted properly, it is not skimming well.

Maybe you stock up too fast. Besides dosing bacteria, You can actually do water changes weekly for a 2 ft tank about 16l (20%).

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Morning, nice rock wall u have there, DIY ed?

Your skimmer doing its job at producing skimmate? Sometimes when it is not adjusted properly, it is not skimming well.

Maybe you stock up too fast. Besides dosing bacteria, You can actually do water changes weekly for a 2 ft tank about 16l (20%).

Hello shaohao85

thanks bro I spent 3hrs cutting the rocks Hahaha.

Sad to say not producing skimmate at all yes I have just did a water change . The nitrate now reads at 60ppm . Thank you very much for the advise.

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Hmm.. Bacter7 effect won't be so quick. Would need a few weeks to see the effect. Might want to carry out water changes weekly to maintain the tank while your bacteria populate

Hi bro

ok.I'll take note of the bacter7 and wait it to populate .I have just did a water change. Thanks bro.

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Nicely done I think u stop adding more livestock .. nitrate is way off .. adjust the skimmer height or water outlet to ensure its skimming ..

Hi bro

the wall is to cover the overflow . Ok I'll do it now. Will be more careful thanks for the advise.

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Oh ya one more thing, every skimmer has a suggested water level. Should do some research on your skimmer to see what is the best height for it.

Hi gd morning Mitchell,

thank you for the advise. I'll take note

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Base on your tank size I will recomend you to do water change at least once a week.

For small tank water change will be easier,faster and cost effective.

Good to have biopellet, rowa and skimmer.

Try to maintain your NO3 low. No need to be zero. 5 should be ok

Not higher then that.

Try to keep some cleaner crew like snail, urchin.

Happy Reefing

6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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Base on your tank size I will recomend you to do water change at least once a week.

For small tank water change will be easier,faster and cost effective.

Good to have biopellet, rowa and skimmer.

Try to maintain your NO3 low. No need to be zero. 5 should be ok

Not higher then that.

Try to keep some cleaner crew like snail, urchin.

Happy Reefing

Hi Sherman

noted on your advise. I'm reading up on different skimmers .

Thank you very much.

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