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Wires too hot?


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  • SRC Member

pardon my ignorance .. have a mutliplug and all wires are running from there to the main tank, sump etc

however, there is a chiller and out of curiosity, after months of usage, due to the heat generated by the chiller, would be wires be affected?

also, is there any product in the market that just by applying over the wires, it would enhance its heat resistant?

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  • SRC Member

3M has a heat-protecting tape sold in some DIY shops but quite expensive = more than S$30 per small roll. One shop I know is Tuas Hardware along Sembawang Road. Its one of those two storey shop house next to Sembawang Shopping Centre.

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  • SRC Member

thanz .. but i was just wondering whether is there a need of concern or not?

most of all are staying in a HDB and chillers and tanks are located most of the time at corners, been a typical singapore family, doors and windows are shut when we go to work or holidays .....

anyone out there has any experience with overheat wires over time?

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  • SRC Member

u better becareful as it will burnt off and ur tank will wipe out.

just place all wires away from ur hot areas. if after several hrs running, nothing hot (sockets and cables) then all ok.

those outer layers tapes are useless. wont protect anything. and no such thing as insulator spray on cables.

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