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help!! anot of brown aglae

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  • SRC Member

Seems quite bad to me but from what i know, this is also quite normal in new tanks(i experienced this too but just not as bad).

You might want to do a slightly larger water change and more often to reduce the nutrient content in the water.. Like 15% change each time and do it twice a week.

Try to feed your fish once every 2days or once a day but just enough for the fishes(little/no excess food).

Think directly siphoning out the diatoms/cyano/dinoflagalletes would help.

If you can provide some information on your tank it would help as well.

1. How big is the tank?

2. How many fishes are there? What fishes? How big?

3. What's the filtration system like?

4. How many times you feed your fish per day?

5. How often do you change water and how much?

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  • SRC Member

1. How big is the tank?

ans: 4 ft 2ft 2.5ft

2. How many fishes are there? What fishes? How big?

ans:9[small]2 tangs

3. What's the filtration system like?

ans:sump w/ aquac 180ev

4. How many times you feed your fish per day?

ans:1 time a day

5. How often do you change water and how much?

ans:1 wk 1 times 2 pail

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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  • SRC Member

11 fishes should be ok.

You might want to consider feeding slightly less and to do slightly more water changes.

Adding in turbosnails should help consume the nuisance algae as well.

You got any wavemakers/powerheads to circulate the water?

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  • SRC Member

Recommend u to get Rowaphos and Silicarbon to control ur phosphate and silicate. Wat the test result for ur PO4?


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

hmm turbo snails are fast... but they don't eat alot of algae... i think the trochus(spelling) snails would be better.... hope u know the difference... the turbo has a slanted conical shell while the trochus has a straight shell... ;)

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

:blink: .. I tot my sandbed before was bad... yours is ultimate.. what did you do?!.. buy algae and put in your tank ah?

why didn't you do something before it spread? at least stir the sand or something mah... now look so ugly..

Few ways to control (what I did for mine):

- Cut down on feeding.

- Cut down on lights. These algae thrive on lights.

- Use Rowaphos. Would take 1-2 weeks to see the effect.

Other thing which might help is get few sandsifter starfish to constantly disturb the sand.

BTW snails are lousy at removing algae from sandbed.. they only like solid surfaces like rocks and tank walls.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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What did you use for the water? Tap Water? If your water contain phosphate or other impurities, doing water change will give it more fuel. Is your skimmer producing good skimmate? How old is your light bulb? How long did you light the tank?

Assuming the water is RO/DI that has TDS reading of 0-1ppm, then you can try this. Do a consecutive 4 days 5% water changes. Siphon out the Cyano as much as you can on each water change. Don't have to limit the light during this time. Obviously, you have to prepare the salt water before hand. Then wait for 7-10days and see what happen. In the meantime, continue to use Rowa.

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