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SPS Auction


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$35 :)

My little ocean
Mix Reef-Main tank 30 inches Length x 32 inches Width x 18 inches Height
2 X Skim DC return pump
Aquabee 2000 chiller feeder

Hailea 1/2 Chiller
1 X Tunze nano wavebox

2 X EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10W
Deltec skimmer - Internal
Lumenarc 400watt 12K Reeflux

8 X T5 ATI Powermodule
Prolifux control with external touchscreen display
Refugium keeping chaeto

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Sorry Bro, I will be withdrawing my bid. As 3e of the auction rules says. Good luck for ur auction.

Xzoga pe5-8 + Saragosa SW6000

Xzoga pe3-5 + JM pe3

Giant Killing + Ryoga 1012

Tsuribi pe0.8-1.5 + Certate 2500

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Ok no problem.

Let me make it clear the SPS is healthy and don't have any red bugs or AEWF in it and in my tank!!!!

For those who not interested to bid please kindly leave this topic and stop trying to be funny here.

So you know aefw and red bugs.. (hmm...)

Since you say so, then leave it as so lor. but forewarn, karma is a bitch. what goes around can come back in other forms.. fyi...

And not being funny here lah dude. If getting aefw and red bugs are funny, I dont mind some good laughs over them..

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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OK Since you say my tank got AEFW And red Bug Please prove it to me if that so I throw away all my coral dude.

by the way do I know you? I don't think so

Please don't talk rubbish here.

Bro MarcoVan, i am not siding anyone here. But i guess you own the TS and the rest of us an explaination on how you know his tank has aefw and red bugs...

Prove it to you? Dude, sometimes somethings are best dealt with with humility and with a clear conscience. You know your tank best. Have or not, you prove it to the buyers not to me. I am not bidding; just a whistle blower.

Anyway I do not know you either and I am not so bored to the core at work to write these few posts just to hurt someone's sales. That will be utterly not the way of my style of doing things.


P.S: anyway the more you say, the more the real people actually step out later to point fingers at you then you malu. Some people dont do it is to give you face even though suffering inside. So please do not abuse it.

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Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Prove it to you? Dude, sometimes somethings are best dealt with with humility and with a clear conscience. You know your tank best. Have or not, you prove it to the buyers not to me. I am not bidding; just a whistle blower.

Anyway I do not know you either and I am not so bored to the core at work to write these few posts just to hurt someone's sales. That will be utterly not the way of my style of doing things.


P.S: anyway the more you say, the more the real people actually step out later to point fingers at you then you malu. Some people dont do it is to give you face even though suffering inside. So please do not abuse it.

_-" can you teach me how to prove that i did not have any breakfast...

I just feel amused that a whistle blower does not have a clue on what or where or how he sense the wrongdoing...

Bro i dont know you and i dont know TS too, and i am not expecting you to show a video or photos or screenshots, i am just requesting you to state how you come to the aefw red bugs conclusion lah.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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_-" can you teach me how to prove that i did not have any breakfast...

I just feel amused that a whistle blower does not have a clue on what or where or how he sense the wrongdoing...

Bro i dont know you and i dont know TS too, and i am not expecting you to show a video or photos or screenshots, i am just requesting you to state how you come to the aefw red bugs conclusion lah.

I try not to judge but really?!?? U sound like a complete dumbass here....

1) i cant cos i dun know you and im not interested to know if u have satisfied ur urge for morning ahem...

2)obviously mr macrovan there has some form of information otherwise i dun think anyone in sane mind would come out just to tickle someone else's thread

3) claiming that someone has no clue.... Hmm..... Can u teach me how i can gather some clues to whether macrovan had or have not had his breakfast today?

4) are u buying something here? I dun see ur bid... Buy and and be the bringer of good news, prove MacroVan wrong and earn some bragging rights bro

In case u are still confused, He's just whistle blowing to keep others looking at the thread informed based on his knowledge of the condition of pdt sold... If hes just being a total ass, his own arse is at risk...

Considerations are given to the seller to not further damage his sale by keeping information subtle... True or not, heck....

Why get so fussed up??

:: just a noob ::

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_-" can you teach me how to prove that i did not have any breakfast...

I just feel amused that a whistle blower does not have a clue on what or where or how he sense the wrongdoing...

Bro i dont know you and i dont know TS too, and i am not expecting you to show a video or photos or screenshots, i am just requesting you to state how you come to the aefw red bugs conclusion lah.

Bro, such things you know better yourself. we can always go for MRI to see if you got food inside your stomach. Alternatively we can go for endoscopy. You want a way to prove, there you go. (I do not wish to start a war with you)

Honestly, AEFW got a 21 days lifecycle and if my friend bought from him in his last sale thread and in less than 2 weeks turn over to me and I get the big fat AEFWs staring at me, I wont come disturbing him also. Moreover, I believe I wasnt the one who got this reality check. There is another bro outside who got the same shit from him but decided to keep quiet to deal with the matter himself. So really lah, if dont have, i really jia pa eng eng come tickle him...? bo sai pang meh...???

No need me to really continue stirring right.... fire warm enough already..

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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