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how to catch maroon clown


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Dear Bros,

I have a very aggressive and territorial maroon clown.

It moves all corals which I place near its 'home'. Unfortunately, it's 'home' is right in the centre of my tank and it looks horrible without any corals.

I don't have space to put a fish trap in the tank. Are there any other ways of catching it?

BTW, it also killed the yellow wrasses which I put into the tank.

Siah, if no other ways, then have to re-scape.

Please help.

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You do have a terror maroon clown. My false percula clown will nip my fingers but at least it won't move my corals around. But maroons are known to be more aggressive than percula clowns anyway. I usually corner the clowns to one end of the aquarium with two nets before netting them. To me it seems quite easy to net clowns because they prefer open waters than most other fishes that duck into the rockscape everytime a net or my hand goes into the water. It's exasperating trying to catch the latter.


Aquarium 3 - 250 liters with sump and refugium

Jebao DC 6000 pump with speed controller

Skimz skimmer

AI Hydra 52 HD

Hailea HS-66A (1/4 hp) chiller

Maxspect Gyre

TLF Phosban reactors with Phosban

Tunze nano osmolator

Marine Magic Triplet Dosing


Aquarium 1 - 27 litres

Atman HF-0600 HOB filter

Maxspect Razor Nano 60W (10,000 K)

AOL 60 litres chiller

Tunze Nano Osmolator



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Bro Andtsg,

I tried your method. It won't even go near the net. I have to remove net as it's gathering algae.

Bro RG, this maroon clown hides in the rocks once I lower any trap or net. Last night, it went on a rampage. I noticed that it gets bolder as it's the biggest fish in the tank since my blue face died.


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tried these methods as well but didn't work.

I cannot add prawns etc to tempt it as the nitrate will kill my sps.

This morning, I use a live rock to cover the opening where the clown hides. Hopefully, it will make its home in another part of the tank.

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hmm ... personally i will remove the maroon clown .. its aggression will continue even u move his hiding spot...

How big is your tank and if there isnt much coral or live rock that u need to move ... why not just catch it up and put at the sump?

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  • SRC Member

Bro Andtsg,

I tried your method. It won't even go near the net. I have to remove net as it's gathering algae.

Bro RG, this maroon clown hides in the rocks once I lower any trap or net. Last night, it went on a rampage. I noticed that it gets bolder as it's the biggest fish in the tank since my blue face died.


What i meant is ony put in the net during feeding. Dony use those green net buy those white colour coffee making plastic net ah.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Bro ssc u can try use some big plastic box with opening one side that fishes can swim in to eat. Hang on ur tank and do ur daily feeding in e plastic box but it take some time to let ur fishes to go in to eat. So u must be patient. Hope it work .:)

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