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Some questions


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Hi guys, I have few questions to ask.

1) will dosing cupramine cause an ammonia spike ? I have no inverts just fowlr. Tank is still rather young don't think got much live in the rocks

2) can I soak frozen mysis in vitamin C and MAxamino and then re freeze them?

3) Is dr G anti parasitic a cure for ich?

Any help would be appreciated!

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  • SRC Member

Well... I'm no guru and I don't have all answers... However there are certain concerns as per your questions...

1) I have not heard of ammonia spike for copper treatment... However, copper will leech onto rocks and you may not be ever able to keep corals unless the rocks are treated...

2) I do not know whether will re-freezing them will have any repercussions. But it's better to mix and feed straight.

3) It's not exactly a cure, but it does boost immunity against certain diseases like ich and marine velvet.

4) If you have no corals, invertebrates and anemones, it's possible to hypo DT.

Sorry for not being able to fully answer your queries... I'm still a noob...

Angel Keeper

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Well... I'm no guru and I don't have all answers... However there are certain concerns as per your questions...

1) I have not heard of ammonia spike for copper treatment... However, copper will leech onto rocks and you may not be ever able to keep corals unless the rocks are treated...

2) I do not know whether will re-freezing them will have any repercussions. But it's better to mix and feed straight.

3) It's not exactly a cure, but it does boost immunity against certain diseases like ich and marine velvet.

4) If you have no corals, invertebrates and anemones, it's possible to hypo DT.

Sorry for not being able to fully answer your queries... I'm still a noob...

Angel Keeper

Hmm alright thanks! Would you recommend hypo or copper? Which is easier to implement also?

I have no intentions for corals as all the fishes I like are not reef safe!

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  • SRC Member

1) ammonia spike will happen if ur LR got alot of living things and u mentioned ur tank is quite young. My LR before I coppered looked clean, when I put copper literally 20-30 worms start crawling out and die. So these two may combine to produce an ammonia spike. Also dependent on how big is ur tank.

Hypo vs Copper

As boss of TFC teach me, hypo is abit like TCM and copper is like western medicine. Hypo needs u to be disciplined and takes a longer time than u using copper which most ppl can attest to seeing results within days. So the choice is up to u. Personal opinion, copper. Easy, fuss free. My tank has been coppered for 7 weeks now to the point im a little lazy/not bothered to pull it out.

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1) ammonia spike will happen if ur LR got alot of living things and u mentioned ur tank is quite young. My LR before I coppered looked clean, when I put copper literally 20-30 worms start crawling out and die. So these two may combine to produce an ammonia spike. Also dependent on how big is ur tank.

Hypo vs Copper

As boss of TFC teach me, hypo is abit like TCM and copper is like western medicine. Hypo needs u to be disciplined and takes a longer time than u using copper which most ppl can attest to seeing results within days. So the choice is up to u. Personal opinion, copper. Easy, fuss free. My tank has been coppered for 7 weeks now to the point im a little lazy/not bothered to pull it out.

Hi bro, did this 20-30 worms cause any significant spike for you?

Should I use products like seachem stability then? It's a 4x1.5x2 tank around 90 gallons I guess.

Anyone tried seachem para guard?

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  • SRC Member

It didnt because I pulled them out before they could rot. So its best if u do dose copper in a tank with LR, u got to have time in the nxt few hrs to observe ur tank. Seachem Stability is like a bacteria mix if not wrong so even according to the Seachem Website FAQ, u can use stability before dosing cupramine.

Paraguard is not as effective as cupramine. To be honest, I think paraguard abit the snake oil. But if u insist, then paraguard is good for fish baths, not dosing into ur tank unless u rich.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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It didnt because I pulled them out before they could rot. So its best if u do dose copper in a tank with LR, u got to have time in the nxt few hrs to observe ur tank. Seachem Stability is like a bacteria mix if not wrong so even according to the Seachem Website FAQ, u can use stability before dosing cupramine.

Paraguard is not as effective as cupramine. To be honest, I think paraguard abit the snake oil. But if u insist, then paraguard is good for fish baths, not dosing into ur tank unless u rich.

Alright will take note. Might take out some rocks to make it easier.

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  • SRC Member

Not a good practice to thaw and freeze food. For me i am a 100% supporter for doctor g anti parasites cavair. It plays an important part in helping my flame angel and now lemonpeel to fight and recover from ich.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Not a good practice to thaw and freeze food. For me i am a 100% supporter for doctor g anti parasites cavair. It plays an important part in helping my flame angel and now lemonpeel to fight and recover from ich.

I just sent an email to brightwell. They said it's okay.

Hmm where do you get them?

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