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How frequently, how much and how fast

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  • SRC Member

I perform 30% water changed every 3 weeks.

I roughly spend 4 hours in total for each water change. Time spent include

1) Collecting RO water from my water purifying unit

2) Mix salt in water

3) Clean filter and change filter medium (carbon, polyfilter)

4) Trim macro algae for nutrient output

5) Suck out water from tank

6) Pump in new water

My wife always annoys with me each time I change water. :(

So would like to learn from you guys your technique to perform water change and how fast can you get it done? :evil:

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  • SRC Member

me too....my wife alway nag at me when I change water....

What i did was to cut down on step 1 & 2 by directly purchasing the saltwater from LFS. However, finding a relaible LFS might be tricky....

I also use a pre-filter for my canister and only use the cansiter as a bio-filter....this this way, I only need to change the prefilter and not having to open up the canister filter....

time spent on changing water is around 30 to 45 minutes...

Finally I do water change in the middle of the night when everyone (and the fishes) are asleep, it will cut down on the nagging....8P

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  • SRC Member

this thread sounds like some water changing competition..

and there are 4 feet, 5 feet and 6 feet water changing events.

and rules are as at the first post. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Hi Jun Hong

Get your wife her own personal tank. So when you change H2O for your and HER tanks, she cannot grumble as you also slave for her tank. This is my case now.

Mine is a 3 feet tank and I do forthnightly water change of 50% (5 pails) and my wife's 2.5 ft 80% (3 pails as hers has no sump), 4-5hours.

Same steps as yours, including mopping the floor. :D

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