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Emperor Grunts ... LOUD !!!


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I just want to share on my experience and see anyone here has the same situation.

My Emperor is with me for close to 1 year.

It is one of the most daring fish in my tank.

As the day passes by, it grew and he is one of the largest fish in my humble 4 FT tank.

Few months back, my family & I always hear a funny sound. It resembles a LOUD movement of Wood in Motion.

I got puzzled and worried.

In the end, I found out that it is my Emperor and he GRUNTS.

I guess it is due to being territorial issue.

Whenever my Blue Face Angel goes near to his resting place, he Grunts very very Loud.

It shocked us initially because we thought there is an Earth Quake in the Tank ... LOL

Whenever I threw pellets into the tank, he may Grunt so that the rest of my Fishes swam to hide and he can take the first bite of the Food.

It is simply amazing that such a 5 inch Emperor can produce such a loud grunt.

I guess my tank maybe too small for his comfort already.

Anybody has Emperor or other Fishes that Grunts SO Loud in tank also ?

By the way, my Blue Face Grunts very loud too ... but not as often as my Emperor.

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  • SRC Member
  On 9/13/2014 at 2:26 PM, kkk121 said:

Video Plz ! I Wan to hear

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

I am trying to Record it.

But it always sound off at unexpected timing.

I cannot be sitting in front of my tank whole day to tape the sound ..

If I have a chance, I would love to tape it and down load into YOu Tube .

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omg bro. my emperor and blue face also make the sound. at first i thought it was my rocks being not stable.

Ive tried tapping on all the rocks. but its all super stable.

and the sound only comes out when either the blueface or emperor chasing another fish.

And they make it very often.

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