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need advice whether to keep nudibranch


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  • SRC Member

Anyone can advise? I am having some corals in this tank and yesterday saw a small 2cm nudibranch at the side glass so now box it in a container. Is it considered lucky or bad to have it? I dont know what kind is it but it is black with thin orange/red-line along the edges. should I waste my blue sponge on him? will it wipe out all of my sponges?

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  FelixSu said:
hey ben, could u post a picture of it herE? thank u.

soory, no digicam

well, been many days in the container and nothing to eat but it still grow! its 30cm now. I think it took alot of food before I caught it. I have lots of sponges in my tank. most are blue and big whites.

anyone wanna advise to this? what should I do?

Jimaroon, u here? or just pasar malam and freaking here and there? hehe. joking. I know he likes nudibranches alot. maybe he knows alot on them.

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wah... 30cm? that's a dinosaur liao.... :D:D:D like i said, used to have one... but now disappeared liao... tink it died liao... but also dunno how to take care, coz it doesn't touch my blue sponge... only the sea bunny did... :o

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nudis are speaciallized feeders. You gotta know what they eat and they will only eat that. Like sea bunnies eat only blue sponge (maybe can try the purple ones). and funny thing is they will know the sponge is dying and refuse to eat it... maybe taste funny..

thats what happened to mine.. I tot its so funny why they refuse to eat the new sponge then they start to die one by one..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

All known nudibranchs are grazing carnivores and as a whole they feed on a wide variety of animals including sponges, hydroids, tunicates, anemones, corals, sea pens, bryozoans, barnacles, and sometimes other nudibranchs!

Each species of nudibranch tend to be very selective feeders, and may only eat one certain prey species.

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  jesperlam said:
All known nudibranchs are grazing carnivores and as a whole they feed on a wide variety of animals including sponges, hydroids, tunicates, anemones, corals, sea pens, bryozoans, barnacles, and sometimes other nudibranchs!

Each species of nudibranch tend to be very selective feeders, and may only eat one certain prey species.

So can u pls advise what type of nudibranch is mine. As i need info on this. Its still alive when nothing to eat. thats very weird.

Last 2 days ago I found a small little jellyfish in my tank during feeding my fish. The clowns try to eat it but immediately spit it out and thats how I noticed or found it. its 2mm size. Now I need to know if I should keep them. are jellyfish reef safe as they do sting people

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bayby jellyfish?!.. you lucky or what.. anyway they dun seem to be able to survive normal reef tanks coz they might injure themselves by knocking on LRs.

Feeding might also be a problem. Think they need specialized food.

We must know which nudibranch you talking about. Most nudis release toxic when dead or stressed. Some, like white nudis, don't. You also must know what they eat and you dun mind constantly providing that coral/sponge/food for it.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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cant find any infos on this nudi. as mentioned, its black with orange lining at edges.

jellyfish wont hurt itself at glasses. it had knocked so many times. It feed on planktons heavily and frequently.

anyone can advise?

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  arcanehacker said:
bayby jellyfish?!.. you lucky or what.. anyway they dun seem to be able to survive normal reef tanks coz they might injure themselves by knocking on LRs.

Feeding might also be a problem. Think they need specialized food.

We must know which nudibranch you talking about. Most nudis release toxic when dead or stressed. Some, like white nudis, don't. You also must know what they eat and you dun mind constantly providing that coral/sponge/food for it.

Mind telling which white nudi you talking abt... This huh...


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  Terryz_ said:

Mind telling which white nudi you talking abt... This huh...


yes.. cute huh.. :P .. nowadays not many..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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this pic of nudi had been seen very often in lfs. maybe i went too much often, LOL

my nudi is black or very dark blue color with egde lining of red.

do u know any infos on this? he had not been eating in my container for 2 weeks and still ok! wonder if its super nudi.

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  ben said:
this pic of nudi had been seen very often in lfs. maybe i went too much often, LOL

my nudi is black or very dark blue color with egde lining of red.

do u know any infos on this? he had not been eating in my container for 2 weeks and still ok! wonder if its super nudi.

2 week? Cannot be lah.. maybe its a sea cucumber therefore filter feeder? :huh: ..

got pics? Very difficult to tell what kind you talking about.. there are so many nudis around.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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its a nudi as seen cuz it has 2 tentacles in front with white tips. it has a black flower thing at the bad like those nudis.

If no info anymore, I think I better give it out

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