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Dual Chamber Calcium Reactor


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Pictures seems a little dark...

BTW, here are some specs...

Primary Chamber consist of a 7 inch diameter body which is 24 inches tall..

Secondary Chamber is 4 inches in diameter and is about 20 inches/500mm tall....

Main Chamber runs on a eheim 1250 for circulation....

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how much will you be DIYing that for us reefers , Joe? Dual Calcium Reactor will be beneficial for my tank.... :yeah:

won't be able to reveal the pricing here or I would be breaking regulations set by Big Boss....

Still waiting for news of the so called "SRC DIY online store" where reefers who regular DIY quality stuff could put up their wares for sale...

Think AT should be coming up spoon with more details on how this store would operate...

so at the meantime, we could only communicate via PM...... ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

dual chamber means there is more reaction space/time for the co2 to react with media....a large single chamber with a strong recirculation pump probably can match a dual chamber smaller in dimensions....

but essentially any single chamber can be made dual chamber by putting another simplified CR next to it....where effluent leaving the 1st CR goes into the 2nd CR before returning to the tank... :)

nothing really special or technically challenging about the 2nd chamber at all...if u want..u can simply hook a few in series and get triple or quadruple chamber CR... :lol:

this is wat i think..hehe

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but essentially any single chamber can be made dual chamber by putting another simplified CR next to it....where effluent leaving the 1st CR goes into the 2nd CR before returning to the tank... :)

nothing really special or technically challenging about the 2nd chamber at all...

this is wat i think..hehe

Yup, you are right... ;) but I reckon a second chamber to be of much smaller diameter and as tall as possible..... for it to be efficient..

Currently working on hang-ons second chamber units that can be placed onto the current reactors that I'm buildin..... "mini rectors" .... :lol:

dual chamber means there is more reaction space/time for the co2 to react with media....a large single chamber with a strong recirculation pump probably can match a dual chamber smaller in dimensions....

Dual chamber reactors that comes small don't work efficiency.... due to the nature that the second chamber functions as a static component without any recirulation... therefore it has to be designed differently....

a large single chamber running on a much more powerful recirculation pump will definitely produce good results ... a point to ponder though.... why buy a unit running on a larger pump which would mean a higher initial investment and higher long term cost when a second chamber solves the problem..... running on a standard pump... :erm:

my 2 cts...

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yeah lor...but those commercial large single chambers always come with stronger pumps than the lower series...maybe coz the chamber too big really need a stronger pump...hehe..but for those who cannot afford the height clearance for large CRs, then dual chamber shorter towers may be the way...

stronger pump also mean more efficient mixing..or to the point of even making the media beads move and roll around increasing effective surface area for reaction rather than the water channelling that occurs sometimes with smaller pumps......both got good and bad points....

just like becketts are good but consume alot of electricity....but if mindset is just on saving electricity, no doubt there are many skimmers/CRs out there tat take electrical consumption as utmost importance for this category of reefers in mind....

but like i said...why stop at dual chamber? go for 3 or more govt policy... :D hehee..kidding ;)

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Can you explain what is the advantage of using dual chamber CR compare to single chamber?

Refer to the above... have been covered by Roidan and myself...

What is the footprint of this CR?  Can PM me the price?

Footprint's about 17.5" by 11.5"...

I have a unit with a LFS, you might be able to have a look if you make your way down today.....(PM you details)...

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  • 3 weeks later...
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erhm joe_p why do you need so many chambers?

I think an additional chamber is more than enough in fact already an overkill.

An additional chamber only serves to reduce the ph of the affluent by dissolving more of the media. But 3 chambers?

Still, it looks impressive but kinda too complicated with so many tubings running around.

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erhm joe_p why do you need so many chambers?

I think an additional chamber is more than enough in fact already an overkill.

An additional chamber only serves to reduce the ph of the affluent by dissolving more of the media. But 3 chambers?

Still, it looks impressive but kinda too complicated with so many tubings running around.

Correct me if I'm wrong...

pH of effluent has alot to do with the kind of media used...

As the 2nd chambers are housing ARM... getting the effluent through a smaller cylindrical tube of certain length will help increase the pH of the effluent and at the same time get better Calcium and Alk readings....

The 3rd chamber administered is just to ensure that effluent is neutralised... (the KS symdrone I guess... :rolleyes: )

anyway, have excess materials around so jus install one...

We all know that 2nd chambers do help in neutralising low pH of effluent and at the same time bring better results in the CA/Alk readings ... however, I'm in the process to monitor how much each chamber of certain height does... esp since the 2nd chambers dun function on recirculation mode but rather by the slow drip process of the effluent....

BTW, one Calcium Reactor has enough space to hold up to 3 additional hang ons....

The tubings are setup so as to monitor the efficiency of the unit.... for my own evaluation of the system....

It is actually much simpler .... ;)

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The reactor (DIYed by Pang) is running great. Keeping my dkh ard 8-9 and Ca at 390-400. But I KS and dont want excess CO2 in my tank..

then should I get one one additional chamber to supplement my 2-chamber reactor? ...

:blink: .... Are you running the unit on a SPS propagation facility????

I used to run a single unit on my previous 5 footer SPS dominated reef and its giving me results in the 11-12 dkH and 450- 480 CA range.... Your dual chamber should do much better.... ;)

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