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Tank Perimeters


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Fellow reefers, just want to share an article I saw online with regards to tank perimeters:

Table 1. Parameters critical to control in reef aquaria.


Reef Aquaria Recommendation: Typical Surface Ocean Value:1

Calcium 380-450 ppm 420 ppm

Alkalinity 2.5-4 meq/L 7-11 dKH 125-200 ppm CaCO3 equivalents 2.5 meq/L 7 dKH 125 ppm CaCO3 equivalents

Salinity 35 ppt sg = 1.026 34-36 ppt sg = 1.025-1.027

Temperature 76-83° F Variable2

pH 7.8-8.5 OK 8.1-8.3 is better 8.0-8.3 (can be lower or higher in lagoons)

Magnesium 1250-1350 ppm 1280 ppm

Phosphate < 0.03 ppm 0.005 ppm

Ammonia <0.1 ppm Variable (typically <0.1 ppm)

Table 2. Other parameters in reef aquaria.


Reef Aquaria Recommendation: Typical Ocean Value:1

Silica < 2 ppm, much lower if diatoms are a problem <0.06 - 2.7 ppm

Iodine Control not recommended 0.06 ppm total of all forms

Nitrate < 0.2 ppm Variable (typically below 0.1 ppm)

Nitrite < 0.2 ppm typically Variable (typically below 0.0001 ppm)

Strontium 5-15 ppm 8 ppm

ORP Control not recommended Variable

Boron < 10 ppm 4.4 ppm

Iron Below Kit Detection Limits (additions OK) 0.000006 ppm

Courtesy of Reefkeeping.

Recently I download the app "The Fish Room" on iphone and that allows me to track my tank perimeters as recommended by one of the fellow reefers.


Main Tank: 93 Gallon Cube Tank
Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455, Skimz Mini SN143
Chiller: Arctica DBA-075
Lightings: AI Hydra 52 x 02
Wavemaker: Vortech mp-40 x 02, Tunze 6020
Dosing Pump: Jebao with Grotech ABC,123 & Mag
Return Pump: Deltec H20cean 5000
Reactor: Biopellets with FR & Deltec H20cean 2000

FR: Skimz BR80

Supplements: Seachem Reef Builder, Seachem Calcium, Seachem Magnesium, Seachem Kalkwassar, Seachem Iodine

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