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Sudden Fish Death


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Hello everyone! I'm new to marine aquarium. My fish suddenly die overnight after 1 week after my cycling process.

I'm using Dymax Iq5 13Litres nano tank


I need advice from you the experts and the regular to tell me what i've done wrong and what to be aware of!

The parameter of my tank now are
No3 : 40
No2 : 0.5
Ammoia : Safety <0.02pm (Read from Seachem Ammonia Tester)
PH : 8
Kh: 180
GH : 180
Salinity : 1.020-22 Using hydrometer and specific gravity
Temperature: 26degree.

Livestock in the tank.
2 Gold head Sleeper (6cm) Both Dead
1 Blue Tang (7CM) Struggling to survive.
2 Mandarin goby (3CM) (dead)
2 Damselfish (2CM) (1 Alive)
1 Firefish goby ( doing **** well for some reason)

3 coral in tank. All alive.

Two Live rock in tank.

Fine sand ( Not live sand)

The chemicals i use for my tank are.
Continuum Reef•Sculpture parts A and B
Continuum Reef•Basis iodine
Bio bio nitrifying bacteria

Protein Skimmer Dymax
Nitrate sponge filter
Ammonia sponge filter
3 -in 1 ( Carbon , Bio ball , sponge)

Is there a reason for the sudden cause of death?
The salter i get which are from the shop and the PH are 7.5
Please advice and help!

It take 3 week for my cycle to be completed.

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  • SRC Member

u added too many fishes too fast causing ur ammonia and nitrite to go up killing the fishes. Both ammonia and nitrite should be 0. u need to have patience when adding life stocks. best is give away ur blue tang. it does not belong in that tank, ur tank is wayyyy to small. ur tank can only have 2-3 tiny fishes max!

Secondly you cannot keep mandarins at all. It needs a stable population of copepods which ur tank definitely will not be able to sustain.

Thirdly. Please do lots of reading up on life stock before adding any. judging by the way u haphazardly added all your life stock shows that u did not do any research

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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u added too many fishes too fast causing ur ammonia and nitrite to go up killing the fishes. Both ammonia and nitrite should be 0. u need to have patience when adding life stocks. best is give away ur blue tang. it does not belong in that tank, ur tank is wayyyy to small. ur tank can only have 2-3 tiny fishes max!

Secondly you cannot keep mandarins at all. It needs a stable population of copepods which ur tank definitely will not be able to sustain.

Thirdly. Please do lots of reading up on life stock before adding any. judging by the way u haphazardly added all your life stock shows that u did not do any research

Thanks for the quick reply. My LFS have 9 clown fish in the same tank so i thought it will be ok. My Blue tang have pass away and now i only left with 1 Firefly goby and 1 damselfish.

I've ask my LFS about getting those fish for my tank and they say it'll be fine.

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  • SRC Member

Bro, you seriously need to read more before adding anymore livestock. One more thing, dont blindly follow what LFS does, they can afford to change water everyday, they can change all 9 clown fish everyday, etc but we cant...

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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  • SRC Member

Some people will say anything to get the sales did you tell them the size of your tank as well? The blue tang and mandarin fish definitely is a big NO NO. Its due to too much fish. And you should feed ur fishes daily too. can alternate with frozen brine shrimp and pellets. I would advise to do a water change and avoid adding fishes for the time being. With the max being at 3 fishes

You might want to sell or give away the damsel as well. It is known to be a highly territorial fish and will attack other fishes that you add in.

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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Bro, you seriously need to read more before adding anymore livestock. One more thing, dont blindly follow what LFS does, they can afford to change water everyday, they can change all 9 clown fish everyday, etc but we cant...

True enough :). I'll stop adding fish and let it be what they are now. Isit better to start from a 55 gallon tank or this nano tank for beginners.

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Some people will say anything to get the sales did you tell them the size of your tank as well? The blue tang and mandarin fish definitely is a big NO NO. Its due to too much fish. And you should feed ur fishes daily too. can alternate with frozen brine shrimp and pellets. I would advise to do a water change and avoid adding fishes for the time being. With the max being at 3 fishes

You might want to sell or give away the damsel as well. It is known to be a highly territorial fish and will attack other fishes that you add in.

That's likely my fault because I know they are territorial yet lfs told me is compatible with other fish. Yea with that coming from everyone. I'll stop adding fish and wait for the nitrate to drop. Thank you sir!

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  • SRC Member

True enough :). I'll stop adding fish and let it be what they are now. Isit better to start from a 55 gallon tank or this nano tank for beginners.

_-" small tank tricky to keep water para stable, big tank tricky to upkeep. Without knowing your avail time, budget and willingness , it is tough to suggest...

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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  • SRC Member

If even damsel will die , something very wrong Liao ... Reduce ur live stocks . Tangs needs bigger tanks :)

Learn from ur mistake and move on . Pple here will be glad to share with u .

Btw wat corals do u have ?

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If even damsel will die , something very wrong Liao ... Reduce ur live stocks . Tangs needs bigger tanks :)

Learn from ur mistake and move on . Pple here will be glad to share with u .

Btw wat corals do u have ?

Polyps , peach color mushroom, button coral? :< Yes I will ask anything before i insert into the tank. Big lesson learnt.

A nano tank is not for everyone, at least not for me. The limited choices of fish and corals just put me off. I don't think i'll ever be happy only looking at Gobies and Damsels. If you are looking forward to keep Tangs then go for the 55 at least.. if that's what you have

Yea even on liveaqua*** Minimum Tank Size: 180 gallons. With my tank. Guess just stay with my firefly goby for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

OMG. Please find a new home for the fishes and let it be there until you cycle complete or upgrade. 13L tank is no joke small for those fishes and no amount of chemicals will help the water quality to be stable. Yes it looks nice in LFS but at home it's a different story altogether. Also as advice by others pls do read up first before committing to this hobby.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hmm.. While you wait for the tank to finish it's cycling process, u might want to read up on how u can maximize the filtration method (mechanical and bio filtration) within your small tank.

With a small tank, nitrates (from over feeding and fish waste) are easy to build up so it's important to have a good bio filtration in your tank to ensure this stays at 0. The more established your filtration system, the more fishes and livestock you can add (within the limits as mentioned by other bros). Of cos .. Do have to consider your ammonia and nitrite levels too.

Your tank has an IOS so it's good to make full use of it. Think about what filter media/substrate u might want to put in your IOS compartments. There's also a possibility of adding a cheato algae compartment/overflow box (like the one on sale at pasar malam now). You might also want to look into a bigger skimmer.

There are lots of articles on the web as well as topics on these here in this forum. Do a good research and I'm sure u will find the right things to add to your tank so it can sustain the livestock u like.

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Sorry mods.. Just realized I mentioned something wrongly and am not sure how I can edit the above post. Have edited the paragraph and here it is. With a small tank, ammonia from over feed and fish waste/die-offs are easy to build up. Ammonia is harmful and can be broken down by bacteria into Nitrite which is also harmful. Nitrite can also be broken down by bacteria to Nitrates which are not harmful unless present in large quantities. Nitrate can also be broken down by bacteria into safe Nitrogen gas. Bacterias for these breaking down processes are different and would need to be cultivated with the right conditions during cycling. End of the day, Ammonia and Nitrite should be Zero and Nitrate should be kept as low as possible. Hope these helps :)

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