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Recommend me fish that do well in schooling.


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Hi, I'm looking for small fishes that will do well in a school for my fowlr.

Wanted to get chromis but after reading about them, they tend to kill one another if there is no threat inside the tank. Anyone keep 5 or above chromis can clarify?

Prefer fishes that always swim then hiding. Any advice? Thanks.


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i keep a group of 6 blue-green chromis. so far I do not see any problems of them living together. there's a bit of chasing here and there, and some aggression from the alpha fish during feeding, but definitely don't see them trying to kill each other. in fact, they tend to swim together. with time they also develop a very nice iridescent blue.

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i keep a group of 6 blue-green chromis. so far I do not see any problems of them living together. there's a bit of chasing here and there, and some aggression from the alpha fish during feeding, but definitely don't see them trying to kill each other. in fact, they tend to swim together. with time they also develop a very nice iridescent blue.

Yeah, I think that chromis is nice. When they are swimming around. Guess I will see if there's any others fishes that i should keep, if not i will go with 5-6 chromis.


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Cromis would be your best choice bro, easy, hardy and not shy. They also take pellets v readily. TBH, it will take a long time before they kill each other off, can try 6 or 7 for a start.

I have also been considering CHromis for the longest time.

I tried to search yOU Tube for School of Chromis BUT most of them are only a handful in a tank.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can have about 20 Chromis in a Tank... But I find no Video on this.

Brought my Wife to LFS and asked her if Chromis is nice.

Each time, only 5 - 6 in a tank ..... Doesn't seem to produce that 'WOW' effect on Schooling ... So she said "So So lor ....."


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The best schooling fish still Fusilier they never stop schooling all the time even after a few months or years in our tank but they can grow very big just the growing speed are quite slow from 2" to 4" take about 6~8 months with heavy feeding ... 2nd will be schooling anthias ie: dispar, purple queen, tiger queen, evansi etc they school all the time but others anthias will not really schooling after a few weeks or months in our tank ... 3rd will be blue eye cardinal they school all the time but they always stay at one area not moving much & u need at least 50 above to have a "WOW" effect ...

others like fire goby, bangai, chromis etc will only group togather at the beginning but will not school after long time in our tank ...

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I have also been considering CHromis for the longest time.

I tried to search yOU Tube for School of Chromis BUT most of them are only a handful in a tank.

Wouldn't it be nice if we can have about 20 Chromis in a Tank... But I find no Video on this.

Brought my Wife to LFS and asked her if Chromis is nice.

Each time, only 5 - 6 in a tank ..... Doesn't seem to produce that 'WOW' effect on Schooling ... So she said "So So lor ....."


My mum's ex boss has a huge tank with a school of a hundred Chromis.

steak pls

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Mix green chromis with a few springeri damsel. One of the few damsels that ime do well in a group. The green iridiscent colour of the chromis with the blue/black of the damsel will be nice. Add a few blue eyed anthias and u hv a nice group of colours and fishes.

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