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WTS: Decom sales Part 1: live stock, live rocks & live sand


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Decom my 3x2x2 tank

Live stock:

size are rough estimated

1. yellow tang 4" - $30

2. blue tang 5"- $30

3. coral beauty 3" - $15

4. whitetail damsel x2 1" & 2" - $5

5. peacock lion fish 7" - $15 (not feeding for past few weeks, not sure why and looks healthty)

6. clown 3" - $5

7. spotted cardinal 2" - $5

8. mini lobster 3" - $5

9. tuxedo urchin 2" - $5

10. long spike sea urchin 2" - $5

11. sea cucumber 5" - $5

Live rocks $4 per kg got big medium and small

please bring own container/bucket, sorry I don't have plastic bags for fish.

some of the fishes are with me for over 2 - 3 years and raised from young, I hope they can find a new home and enjoy the rest of their lives.

deal and viewing at Yishun, weekday evening after 8pm, weekend to be arrange.

Interested please sms/whatsapp 98585079

Part 2 (equipments & tank) will be up after live stock taken.






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1. yellow tang 4" - $30 - Reserved

2. blue tang 5"- $30 - Reserved

3. coral beauty 3" - $15 - sold

4. whitetail damsel x2 1" & 2" - $5

5. peacock lion fish 7" - $15 (not feeding for past few weeks, not sure why and looks healthty)

6. clown 3" - $5

7. spotted cardinal 2" - $5 - sold

8. mini lobster 3" - $5

9. tuxedo urchin 2" - $5 - sold

10. long spike sea urchin 2" - $5

11. sea cucumber 5" - $5

Live rocks $4 per kg got big medium and small

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  • 1 month later...

Equipments up for sell

1. skimmer - Bubble magus curve 5 $120

2. wavemaker - conch 40 advance $120

3. salt - Red sea salt 4kg new in bag $16

4. live/dead rocks - around 12kg big medium and small $30 for all.

interested please ams/whatsapp 98585079 for quick deal thanks.

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Equipments up for sell

1. skimmer - Bubble magus curve 5 $120

2. wavemaker - conch 40 advance $120

3. salt - Red sea salt 4kg new in bag $16

4. live/dead rocks - around 12kg big medium and small $30 for all.

interested please ams/whatsapp 98585079 for quick deal thanks.

skimmer sold

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  • 2 weeks later...

All must go

2. wavemaker - conch 40 advance $120 neg

3. salt - Red sea salt 4kg new in bag $16 neg

4. dead rocks - around 20kg big medium and small $40 for all neg.

5. SunSun canister filter HW-403B with media and uv - $120 neg

interested please sms/whatsapp 9858 5079 thanks.

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