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Skimz sm201 microbubbles


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Hi guys

I've purchased a sm201 insump skimmer recently, its been running for a few weeks and seems like its producing a lot of microbubbles. Anyone know how to reduce it? I turned it away from the return pump alr. Thanks in advance

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If you are very sure its your skimmer, maybe can put a piece of sponge at the outlet at a angle to direct the bubble away?

Else to prove if its your skimmer, try off it and observe if there's still bubble present in DT.



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is the microbubbles bad for the system? my 201 also create massive amount of microbubbles compared to other skimmers ive seen.

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If you are very sure its your skimmer, maybe can put a piece of sponge at the outlet at a angle to direct the bubble away?

Else to prove if its your skimmer, try off it and observe if there's still bubble present in DT.

I'm pretty sure it's the skimmer, nothing else in my system creates bubbles. I'll try what you suggested thanks!!

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is the microbubbles bad for the system? my 201 also create massive amount of microbubbles compared to other skimmers ive seen.

Other than being ugly like tiny flakes of sand flying around your DT, I read that it'll harm the gills of fishes if there's a lot of it. Pardon my primitive knowledge.

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bro im running on the same skimmer, but i dont have such prob.

- You can try putting the skimmer furthest away from the return pump.

- Place a sponge like one of the bro here said at the output of the skimmer or at the sump flow direction to block bubbles.

- Try to adjust the water level, this might be the problem. Maybe place the skimmer higher or lower.

SM201 imo is a very good skimmer, been performing very well since I bought it.

Hope it works for you.

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