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soft coral/lps recommendations for beginer

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hi all

new to this hobby. just completed setting up my tank and ready to introduce some livestocks in. could anyone pls recomend some easy soft coral or lps which is suitable for beginers?

im running a 2ft tank with ats attached on. inside got one normal clown fish,one coral beauty,some zoas and a small RBTA. the clown fish is very playful and always wants to eat while the coral beauty is always stay in the liverocks.. the RBTA is also hiding inside the rocks which i think might because my flow is too strong.

thanks in advance for any recommendations and sorry if i broke any rules or regulations.

tyvm and have a nice day.

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Hey lovelessken, found another ken. Heheh. Anw, some softies includes leather etc. LPS wise can try bubble or hammer. Is there any tank shot so we can better recommend what corals to add due to extension of ccorals and placement etc.

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Zoas is also another easy to keep yet beautiful coral;)
hi vopepod. ty for ur advice! already got some zoa frags in.opens pretty nice. anything with long hair or colorful to recommend? tyvm!
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  • SRC Member
Hey lovelessken, found another ken. Heheh. Anw, some softies includes leather etc. LPS wise can try bubble or hammer. Is there any tank shot so we can better recommend what corals to add due to extension of ccorals and placement etc.
i mean hi planted instead of hi hermit..mistaken on names..
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Seem like you are battling some hair algae issue, maybe you want to share with us more of the filtration that you use ?

hi mania

ty for ur comment! i'm using an ats box which according to google, will iliminate any algae in main tank slowly..anyway all of the algae are whiten already, no3 and amonia is extremely low atm. i'm looking for a mini tang to ged rid of the algae also but seems like a bit hard to find..


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Tang has a risk of ich if not careful. For your tank wise, once your tank stabilizes and for a while more, can explore torch coral, (alveopora/goniopora) are tougher to keep.

If all your rocks are filled with zoas also very beautiful. Heheh. If you are keen to keep Anemone to host ur clown, beware as it may moves and injure other corals.

Take a look at Golden octopus for some ideas. See many many lps there. But google and confirm ur tank para/light can take it if not your $$ goes to waste. :(

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  • SRC Member

Tang has a risk of ich if not careful. For your tank wise, once your tank stabilizes and for a while more, can explore torch coral, (alveopora/goniopora) are tougher to keep.

If all your rocks are filled with zoas also very beautiful. Heheh. If you are keen to keep Anemone to host ur clown, beware as it may moves and injure other corals.

Take a look at Golden octopus for some ideas. See many many lps there. But google and confirm ur tank para/light can take it if not your $$ goes to waste. :(

tyvm planted! i'll definitely be careful about introduce livestocks!i'll try to put in some mashrooms and acan first. the anemone was truly moving everyday but i think she has found a nice valley to stay:). anyway i'll keep close attention on my water specs and try not to put too many creatures in:)

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Just to check, what are your equipments? They play an important role if you wanna keep corals. as you progress to even keeping higher end coral or sps, equipments are important. :)

atm got chiller, 50w full spec led and ats box. no skimmer cuz im told that ats would be sufficient for my tank..

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If buying new coral from lfs.. remember to dip it. I use coral-rx. To prevent unwanted parasite to get into your tank.

any recommendations on lfs? clementi one i usually go seems a bit overpriced..normal clown 6dollars and coral beauty 25..

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any recommendations on lfs? clementi one i usually go seems a bit overpriced..normal clown 6dollars and coral beauty 25..
Clementi you go which one leh? I think polyart also started their mini marine. Aquamarin at Jalan selaseh, reef octopus and aquarist chamber at upper serangoon, And the many farms around. Ohh no... I nvr use coral dip. :(
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Clementi you go which one leh? I think polyart also started their mini marine. Aquamarin at Jalan selaseh, reef octopus and aquarist chamber at upper serangoon, And the many farms around. Ohh no... I nvr use coral dip. :(

i bought most of my things from poly. the equippments there are fair but livestock a bit expensive i think..

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