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My Rubik Cube


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So far below is stuff I'm using for my setup. Hope the more expert bros can advice my mistakes.

Tank 2 ft cube with 16inch sump.

1264 return with manifold to chiller and fr

Chiller is artica 1/5 chiller set at 26degree

Tlf fr 150 for rowaphos

Skim br90 used for vertex bio pellet

Skimz sn143 skimmer

Vertex activated carbon only use one a month for 3 days.

Bacteria is using bacteria7

Wavemaker now solely using maxspect gyre 150 set at 2nd speed only

Lights using maxspect 120 and 4 tube t5 on for 4hrs a day

Jebao dosing pump for industrial grade mg ca and kh.

Fish street bought ato

And par38 full red for chaeto refugium.

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Bro, why not consider running ur AC 23/7?

And convert ur chaeto to ATS?

bro the recommended for the brand vertex active carbon only for max 3 days, heard is very strong

As for chaeto cos I rebuilt my sump have refugium so make use of it. I still have an extra ats if I want to fix up if I want to be extra safe

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bro the recommended for the brand vertex active carbon only for max 3 days, heard is very strong

As for chaeto cos I rebuilt my sump have refugium so make use of it. I still have an extra ats if I want to fix up if I want to be extra safe

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dump this AC... why would you want organic waste to sit in your tank for 27 days out of 30... i suggest chemi pure blue. It works.

Chaeto is in no way as effective ad ATS. Or add in more bio media for BB? Your main aim now shall be to strip your water off all nutrients else when you have a fully stocked tank, you will have headache ah.

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Bro, any hair algae or any hay like algae in your DT?

If you happen to pass by punggol i can pass you one bottle of chemi pure blue/ elite to try out. I bought a few spare before my trips now sitting there gathering dust...

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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Bro, any hair algae or any hay like algae in your DT?

If you happen to pass by punggol i can pass you one bottle of chemi pure blue/ elite to try out. I bought a few spare before my trips now sitting there gathering dust...

bro hair algae only in sump cos of the red light.

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