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Help for using Macro Skimmer


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  • SRC Member

I shut down after one day cycling my tank, because of the powerhead making too much noise. :yeah: Waiting for new PH.

During my initial testing, I had the same problem of water in the collection cup. :angry: You should note that there is a knob in the configuration which determines the flow rate. If turned too high, water goes into the collection cup. I had to physically turn the unit upside down to drain off the water .... of course switch off the unit first.

Knob should be turned/adjusted where you can visibly stay below the point where water will flow into collection cup. Understand from LFS that over time, the foam will build up and push into cup.

My two cents worth. :)

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Hmmm.. I have a MACRO skimmer too.

There is a lot noise coming from the air vent. I reduce the air flow by limiting the air going in and the noise is much better.

As for water in the collection cup.. its pretty weird. Cos if you adjust the knob to restrict water flow, water will overflow out..

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Yes, i also use Macro Skimmer for about 2 months and have the same problem with andysho and silverfish, it produce a lot of noise and not comfortable to the people surrounding the aquarium. I also use a bigger PH to create the turbulence in the chamber, cos' if you use the standar PH suggested by the product, the skimmer will not create much of bubble in the chamber. But be aware not to use 4000 lt/h or above, cos' the PH become so heat when you restrict the water effluent to make the ideal surface bubble inside the chamber and as the result the PH will not hold longer as happen to me, so right now i use a 3500 lt/h, and still wait to see what will happen in the next few months.

Silverfish, why you restrict the air going to the chamber?? Would it be also reduce your amount of bubble??

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  • SRC Member

There is a very simple solution to removing the noise due to the air tube. Just get a cheap bubble counter and attach it to the tube. The noise due to ###### of air will amazingly disappear. :yeah:

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Hello cedric, what do you mean by bubble counter? Is it an airstone? Or is it a device that prevent the water being drawnback to the air pump?

Are you sure that your tips will not decrease the air going to the ventury? Because is this device decrease the the air incoming to the ventury then the skimmer will not work at their optimun capacity. :erm::erm:

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  • SRC Member

A bubble counter is neither an airstone nor a device that prevent the water being drawnback to the air pump and it will not decrease the air going to the ventury.

A bubble counter is a device used commonly in conjunction with a CO2 cannister to measure the amount of CO2 injected. it looks something like this


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  • SRC Member

I'm using Macro, but presently not switched on yet as I am cycling my new tank.

Should the opportunity presents itself, I will give my feedback.

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