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Hi all I have a few questions about this fish,

Really like the larger versions of this fish, but live aquaria mentions that they need 220 gallon, are there any that could do in my 4x1.5x2 tank?

I like the emperor and the French, but if there isn't any then I think I will settle with the dwarf ones

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  • SRC Member

Imho, emperor angel grow at a very slow rate..French grow faster but still will need a few years to grow to an adult size given u start off at a size of 4"..4footer is alright to keep 1 or 2 angels of size ard 4-6"..:)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Imho, emperor angel grow at a very slow rate..French grow faster but still will need a few years to grow to an adult size given u start off at a size of 4"..4footer is alright to keep 1 or 2 angels of size ard 4-6"..:)

Are emperors hard to get it feeding? Hmm I think I would be better off without these larger angels tho, so I can save the trouble of buying and selling them.. No budget to upgrade haha

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  • SRC Member

Are emperors hard to get it feeding? Hmm I think I would be better off without these larger angels tho, so I can save the trouble of buying and selling them.. No budget to upgrade haha

It depend on ur luck to get a healthy feeding specimen at LFS.. Depend on u whether to keep large or dwarf angels, my take is that u must like to watch ur fishes be it what fishes u wanna keep..fishes know how big to grow given their environment and it really take years provided ur setup is very successful too..:)

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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It depend on ur luck to get a healthy feeding specimen at LFS.. Depend on u whether to keep large or dwarf angels, my take is that u must like to watch ur fishes be it what fishes u wanna keep..fishes know how big to grow given their environment and it really take years provided ur setup is very successful too..:)

Thanks for your tips bro! Oh well we can't always have what we want so must settle for something lesser haha. Must always provide the best environment for them

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bro are sure 45$ each ? For emperor I do believe 45$ for a 4 to 6 inches indo one but 45$ for french very difficult to find at that price :)Cheers

He meant a venustus, not a French bro!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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