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Amazing Wonders of Nature


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  • SRC Member

yesterday, i noticed tat there's something on my clownfish.it looked like a slug.dun look like white spot (itch) coz its quite a big lump. initially i tot my clown kena ulcer.i tried to catch him but of coz to no avail.

subsequently, i notice it decided to stay close to my boxer. it stop moving its tail for about 3-4seconds and suddenly jerked.then it swam out, but this time without the "slug" on it.i guess the boxer managed to take it off.but the amazing thing is, the boxer actually helped my clown, and my clown seemed to know tat and stopped moving for a while.i heard that cleaner shrimp helps to clear itch but i know the lump on my clown is not an itch.prolly a slug.shall monitor him closely to see if there's any other lumps growing......

juz wanna tell a story.....hehehehe

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