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Rem to wash your hand after handling your tank


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  arcanehacker said:

actually it really depends on individual .. I have a friend who have been stung by bees many (seperate) times. Still healthy and leaving. :P

we won't know unless we try.. :lol: (Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any mishap caused.. :P )

:o You are one brave guy, was that you or your friend on the Fear Factor challenge with the bees.., haha :lol::lol: Well, yes the hyperallegic reaction depends on the individual, which is why quick response and CPR can help save lives...getting too far off now.. :off:

Anyway, I thought it was good to inform all hobbyists not to take things for granted...with the bird flu and all, who knows the comparatively "safest" hobby could actually be fish keeping.

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  jas_soh said:

EH... cuts on your tanks or cuts on your hands??? :blink:

wah.. you today come here to check on spelling and grammer mistakes izit.. :lol:

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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no la.... i dun dare!!!!!!! :lol:

only slept about 3-4 hours last night so i tot my eyes keep playing tricks on me when i see weird phrasing ma... stared twice & hopefully i have got the right meaning... :lol::lol::lol:

...what are u missing from your life?... dun wait till your last breathe before telling them that you care

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  eaquarist said:

:lol: Well, at least you still remember some facts about immunology....heh heh...who's your Bio teacher? :ph34r: Hyperallergic reaction in cases of active natural immunity where memory cells develop to produce long lasting immunity but an over-production of antibodies on a second exposure. People have died from a second bee sting before too. :(

For all fish lovers, I think with care and precaution,the possibility of Mycobacterium infection is still rare but with cut skin or open wounds, things can get painful. This was discuseed in a recent issue of FAMA too.

For more info, see attached


No bio teacher.. sigh.. learn on own..

Then again.. better to be safe and sorry.. I recently had wounds on my knuckles.. and i brushed by a frogspawn.. Hurts like mad, i was holding onto something and i cldnt let go.. din know that there will be such a strong reaction.. anybody w similar experience?

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