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Cuttlefish keeping

A. Quarium

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Bro hideaki i once chanced upon the same road as u....i joined the src in 09 wif the intention to keep cuttlefish but was put off after learning the cost and requirement....its only till last two years that i had the courage to start a tank in marine....i hv kept a few cuttles myself averaging of 8 to 9 months livespan. They are very interesting creatures and really fun to look at especially when the hunt. They will change colors and texture of their skin. Cool ay! Btw bro hideaki do u hv a marine tank already or u planning on one???

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I already have a marine tank. Mainly lps, softies, fishes n clams. But recently trying out sps. Yet to have success though. :(

Also considering species tank like cuttlefish, jellyfish or seahorse. But no space no budget for a second tank atm.

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My parameters? Hmmm...

Salinity - 1.025

No3 - 2.5ppm

Po4 - 0.00ppm

Calcium - 380ppm

Kh - 8.3dKH

Mg - 1260ppm

But not so appropriate to talk abt my tank here right? Wait I kena complain! :o

Let's go back to cuttlefish. Hehehe...

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Still, fish aren't good tank mates for cuttles. TONMO says that feeding cuttles freshwater ghost shrimp has been known to work, but I'd stick with small prawns and saltwater shrimp. Frozen will work, as long as you can make the cuttle believe the food is alive (i.e. swinging a frozen shrimp around in the water) Brine shrimp is a big NO, mysis and pods work better. I started this thread to find out more about keeping cuttles, hence the name, and hopefully will be able to start a tank on November or December. After a few months of cycling, then I will purchase the cuttles from ML. If that happens, rest assured I will post here. Bro hideaki, how big is yr tank?

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