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Skimmer , Algae control & BS in nano tank


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Hi, I have a 11" x 9" tank in the office, water temp between 18 and 23 degrees (hot during weekends as AC not on).

I have a dark brown clown and a bi-color royal dotty back and 2 snails (black with yellow stripes).

Filtration using a Gex HOF and Dymax "mini" skimmer.

Feeding only Ocean Nutrition flakes. They do not seem to eat anything "non-floating".

Qn 1 : I really do not know how a BM NAC 3.5 works (there are a few bro here selling)

- I am out of space in tank, I do have space on my table if the skimmer sucks water out, skims then pump back in (like external filter)

Qn 2 : Green algae on tank

Prob :green algae near bottom and corner of tank, light green, I brush away with toothbrush

Prob : few think dark green 1mm to 3mm spots appearing, cannot brush or scrape off with pincers (unless I scratch tank)

- Any tankmates that can help ?

- I am thinking of lettuce slugs....for algae control and tank mate.

Qn 3 : Small floating tanks (breeding tanks etc) for brine shrimps

- Will brine shrimps survive ? $1 will feed my fish for a week....but need to keep the Brine shrimp somewhere

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