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Planning for the inhabitants for my tank, but I cannot find websites or posts regarding fish husbandry in the tank.

May I have some suggestions? Below is the number and rough size of the fishes. Also if there's certain fish have to go in first please let me know also.

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Erm. Can't seem to add photos now. Anyway is as follows pictures searched from Google.

1 brown tang, max 3 inches

2 blue tang about 1.5 inches

2 clown, about 1.5inches

Right now have a bristle star and some turbo snails inside.

Planning to have some sps In near future.

Any suggestions and input will be greatly appreciated!

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  • SRC Member

In term of sequence, rule of thumb is small fish goes in first, if same species, go in together, agressive fish always last in q. Picky eater goes in after anyhow eater. Overriding exception is last available fish in LFS that you super like will find its way into your tank regardless of whatever your plan is... dont ask me how i know the last exception ...

子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐... (you are not the fish so you...)

Then: my 4FT low tech selling off tank... (2006)

Now: (2014)

@Sept 2014

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In term of sequence, rule of thumb is small fish goes in first, if same species, go in together, agressive fish always last in q. Picky eater goes in after anyhow eater. Overriding exception is last available fish in LFS that you super like will find its way into your tank regardless of whatever your plan is... dont ask me how i know the last exception ...

Hahaha must be u kana before. Thanks. Will read up after my son sleep!

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Just read up. Not really supposed to put this fish for my tank size. But can decline this gift and really like it!

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I guess before it gets big it's alright? Haha can upgrade next time

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Moon wrasse is tough fish to keep.. I have 1 in my tank and needs a lot of space to swim around. Can be aggressive too..

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...Moon wrasse is tough fish to keep.. I have 1 in my tank and needs a lot of space to swim around. Can be aggressive too..

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

I believe you're taking about the 13 litres IQ5? When someone recommends a 6 month period, it's putting into consideration that the water has stabilised... And when anemone dies, it produces a toxin which can potentially wipe out all fishes and corals and invertebrates... Considering a 13 litres tank, changing 200% water wouldn't be a problem... But for a full setup of 50 kg live rocks and 700 litres of water, it would prove costly and time consuming... Not to mention the livestock...

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