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Weekly Shipment Update: 23-29th Jun 2014

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Someone looking for yellowtail fusilier? Coralfarm...

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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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  • SRC Member

Anyone knows if iwarna still has flame angels left?

Tank Size: 3.5 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft
Sump: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft”
Return Pump: Eheim 1264
Chiller Pump: H2Ocean Flow Pump 3000
Skimmer: Vertex Alpha 200
Wavemakers: 2 X Maxspect Gyre 130; 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP10WES, 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP40WES, 1x Jebao RW15
Filtration: Schuran Multifilter 100 (Rowa Phos), Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 Fluidised Reactor (Vertex Rox 0.8 Carbon), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR45 (NP Biopellets & All In One Biopellets) with Eden 140 Pump, Santa Monica Hogx1 Algae Turf Scrubber, Cheato
Calcium Reactor: Skimz CM152 with needle valve and Maxijet 600 feed Pump (CaribSea ARM Extra Coarse ,KZ Coral Gravel, Two Little Fishies Reborn, Grotech Magnesium Pro)
Dosing: Bubble Magnus Dosing Pump BM-T01 + 2 x 4 Head Expansion Accessory BM-T02
Bio Media: Marine Pure, Bacteria King, Eheim Substrat Pro, Eheim Substrat, Seachem DeNitrate, PowerHouse Hard, Polyplab Biosphere, Seachem Purigen

Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/3 Hp - DBE-150)
Lighting: ATI Powermodule 6 x 39 Watt T5. Solite 4 x 39 Watt T5 (Only 2 used) (Blue+ Blue+ Coral+ Purple+ Coral+ AB Special) (Blue+ Purple+)
Auto Top Up system: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off
Monitoring: 2 x Milwaukee MC 122 PH Controller (Calcium Reactor & PH Monitoring)

Substrate: CaribSea Aragamax Select


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  • SRC Member
Anyone knows if iwarna still has flame angels left?
About 6-7 pieces left when I was there yesterday. Nice small sizes good for pairing them up.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member

About 6-7 pieces left when I was there yesterday. Nice small sizes good for pairing them up.

Thanks bro, any idea if they are pellet eating yet?

Tank Size: 3.5 ft x 2 ft x 2 ft
Sump: 3ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft”
Return Pump: Eheim 1264
Chiller Pump: H2Ocean Flow Pump 3000
Skimmer: Vertex Alpha 200
Wavemakers: 2 X Maxspect Gyre 130; 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP10WES, 1 x Ecotech VorTech MP40WES, 1x Jebao RW15
Filtration: Schuran Multifilter 100 (Rowa Phos), Two Little Fishies Phosban 150 Fluidised Reactor (Vertex Rox 0.8 Carbon), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR45 (NP Biopellets & All In One Biopellets) with Eden 140 Pump, Santa Monica Hogx1 Algae Turf Scrubber, Cheato
Calcium Reactor: Skimz CM152 with needle valve and Maxijet 600 feed Pump (CaribSea ARM Extra Coarse ,KZ Coral Gravel, Two Little Fishies Reborn, Grotech Magnesium Pro)
Dosing: Bubble Magnus Dosing Pump BM-T01 + 2 x 4 Head Expansion Accessory BM-T02
Bio Media: Marine Pure, Bacteria King, Eheim Substrat Pro, Eheim Substrat, Seachem DeNitrate, PowerHouse Hard, Polyplab Biosphere, Seachem Purigen

Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/3 Hp - DBE-150)
Lighting: ATI Powermodule 6 x 39 Watt T5. Solite 4 x 39 Watt T5 (Only 2 used) (Blue+ Blue+ Coral+ Purple+ Coral+ AB Special) (Blue+ Purple+)
Auto Top Up system: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155 Auto Top Off
Monitoring: 2 x Milwaukee MC 122 PH Controller (Calcium Reactor & PH Monitoring)

Substrate: CaribSea Aragamax Select


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  • SRC Member
Thanks bro, any idea if they are pellet eating yet?
Not sure bro but they are healthy flames and at that size will be easy to train to take pellets. Iwarna also has a few lemonpeels and yellow tangs left. One potter angel and yellow eye kole tang left as of ystday. Two semifasciatus pair still available. Ah Beng : emperor angels from S to XL. A very tiny majestic angel already showing adult colours, didnt know they changed so small. A few yellow bellied regal angels as well. Small convict tangs. No more venustus and multibar. Was lucky to get the last multibar which has its back part of the dorsal fins missing. Fish Channel : Two Belize Queen left. There's a very nice queen at the lower tank which I don't knw available or not. few fat healthy Flame Hawks to choose from. Stable PBTs from prev shipment eating pellets. Anyways, anyone got see those freeze dried cyclopeeze? I bought the wafer ones mistakenly and they should have hired Argent to build the Titanic cause the wafer ones will never sink. :)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Not sure bro but they are healthy flames and at that size will be easy to train to take pellets. Iwarna also has a few lemonpeels and yellow tangs left. One potter angel and yellow eye kole tang left as of ystday. Two semifasciatus pair still available.Ah Beng : emperor angels from S to XL. A very tiny majestic angel already showing adult colours, didnt know they changed so small. A few yellow bellied regal angels as well. Small convict tangs. No more venustus and multibar. Was lucky to get the last multibar which has its back part of the dorsal fins missing.Fish Channel : Two Belize Queen left. There's a very nice queen at the lower tank which I don't knw available or not. few fat healthy Flame Hawks to choose from. Stable PBTs from prev shipment eating pellets. Anyways, anyone got see those freeze dried cyclopeeze? I bought the wafer ones mistakenly and they should have hired Argent to build the Titanic cause the wafer ones will never sink. :)

Bro, get the frozen ones, so much easier... shld b available at Iwarna freezer... haven seen the feeeze dried ones for awhile, heard its discontinued...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Newtrio @ 1400:



Can ( pm ) on the ID / damage for those mushrooms and the smallest size avaialble for those Blue Lined ? ( as i understand that small size / juvenile are rarely avaialble ) Many Thks !

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Can ( pm ) on the ID / damage for those mushrooms and the smallest size avaialble for those Blue Lined ? ( as i understand that small size / juvenile are rarely avaialble ) Many Thks !

Hi bro, sorry i do not know their prices... i believe what you r reffering to r rock anemones. Photo 1 2 3 are rock anemones, 4 are ricordea floridas and 5 are carpet anemones..

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Hi bro, sorry i do not know their prices... i believe what you r reffering to r rock anemones. Photo 1 2 3 are rock anemones, 4 are ricordea floridas and 5 are carpet anemones..

Hi Bro, Thks again for yr filling me in on the ID of those Lps ! Really Appreciate !

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Australia SPS only due to arrive at Iwarna on Friday morning.

Tomorrow evening:

Prognathodes guyanensis (reserved), queen triggerfish M (reserved), queen triggerfish small, 5 cave basslet (Liopropoma mowbrayi), 1 wrasse blenny (Hemiemblemaria simulus), 1 orangeback bass (Serranus annularis), 1 pygmy sea bass (Serraniculus pumilio), black cap basslets, royal grammas, blue neon gobies, blue angel medium, queen angels medium, argi angels, small rock beauties, yellowhead jawfish, cuban hogfish, rhino blenny (Paraclinus nigriopinnis), blue reef chromis small sizes, lightning chromis (chromis enchrysurus), Pterogorgia guadalupensis, plexaurella nutans, eunicea sp., briareum asbestium. Reserved fish can be ordered for next shipment.

Always something more important than fish.


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Any SPS for sale at GO? Brown out SPS also can...

Hi bro, Wednesday tomorrow around 6pm.. Shipment of SPS and LPS arriving..

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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Any SPS for sale at GO? Brown out SPS also can...

Btw bro, I bought my SPS millepora for $20bucks a piece, palm size.. They might still have last 2 pieces.

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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Hi guys, GO tomorrow new shipment of corals coming in at 6pm. It's going to be busy !!

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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