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Fish disappearing, Hermit crab fault??

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  • SRC Member


I have 2 hermit crabs one halloween and one electric blue. I had a clownfish and a blue tang for quite awhile and they r doing very well. Recently I have been trying to add new fish and the horror happened.

Firstly I added a red ruby dragonet. It was doing fine but after 2 days I could not find it. Upon closer inspection I found it being eaten by my halloween hermit

I read that hermits are scavengers so pinned it down to the dragonet being sick or dying.

Few weeks later I added a purple firefish. Next day I found the half eaten body.

Also added a yellow coris wrasse. It was doing fine for about 4 days. Eating healthily but recently disappeared.

Had one yasha goby for about a month, just found it missing today, Also his friend the pistol shrimp is missing one claw. Maybe lost it in the battle to protect his friend.

Very heart pain and want to find out. Could it be the hermit hunt them when they are sleeping as they dun move around much... Or could it be another culprit.

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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  • SRC Member

Time to catch them and banish them to the sump. Probably short of food also, last time used to have lots of ha for them to eat.. Now no more already. Thanks for the advise guys

Clem's Clam Corner (Decommed)

60cm x 40cm x 30cm Tank

Nano tank reboot v2.0

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  • 3 months later...
  • SRC Member

I would put it down to the other fish attacking the new comers and injuring them. The hermit is just clearing the dead ones. Have had hermit crabs years and never had an issue. So think before u banish them. They are good CUC.

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