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where to buy seaweed??

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  • SRC Member

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but may I know from your experiences, do fish prefer the roasted kind of the regular dried seaweed? Also, anyone has any luck feeding seaweed to tuxedo urchins? Mine doesn't seem interested at all :/ thanks in advance.

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  • SRC Member

Seaweed ..@ ntuc,giant,shengshiong,cold storage or even your dry goods store in the local wet market.

This seaweed look messy to me..dun dare to try..prefer the sheet type of seaweed..can fold n handfeed..

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Sorry for hijacking the thread, but may I know from your experiences, do fish prefer the roasted kind of the regular dried seaweed? Also, anyone has any luck feeding seaweed to tuxedo urchins? Mine doesn't seem interested at all :/ thanks in advance.

Bro, maybe you target feed frozen shrimps at the mouth area, not on their spikes. They are not really vegetarian.. They are scavengers...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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May I know where n which type of seaweed to buy?? wanna try to feed My fish (=

Any advice??

Iceberg lettuce, tied a bunch and feed them.. Mostly yellow tang and your other herbivorous fishes will eat.. If you got a bit more budget, red bamboo agale will work too. Coral farms has plenty..

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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I tried the roasted ones, my convict tangs weren't interested. I bought the purple ones from the provision store and they took it it immediately.

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excellent food for all the tangs family (imported fm japan organic fresh seaweed safe n good) gt it fm daimaru (liang court) supermarket basementattachicon.gif006.JPG

after feeding this fresh seaweed purple tang colour turn deeper n brighter..post-20842-0-68797900-1403493343_thumb.j

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  • SRC Member

excellent food for all the tangs family (imported fm japan organic fresh seaweed safe n good) gt it fm daimaru (liang court) supermarket basement 006.JPG

Look great bro..may I ask what's the price? And packaging outlook?..thks

@ 291213

Updated video: Kenyee FOWLR


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Wow...this is wat I have been looking for.... not for my tangs but for my soup.

Just can't find these green seaweed in ntuc or chinese medical shop.

Thks for the tip!

excellent food for all the tangs family (imported fm japan organic fresh seaweed safe n good) gt it fm daimaru (liang court) supermarket basementattachicon.gif http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=214356]006.JPG

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You can also tbeachllecting seaweed from changi or punggol beach. My tangs love them. See my post in another thread on collection of sea weed: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/124508-feeding-angel-tangs-with-lettuce/page-2'>http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/124508-feeding-angel-tangs-with-lettuce/page-2
it will be good to post some photo. So that next time I happens to be at the beach, I can collect some. Thanks.
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The most commonly found type n love by tangs are the redish brown type:


Another common type that tangs like is the green spiral leave type:


and also common is the fern type but they don't seems to like:


There are also other types like the hairy green n hard white string like which they dont eat at all.

Just take your time to explore our local beach n try with your fishes. Other than tang I found that clown also eat small soft chunks of seaweed.

Importantly take only those seaweeds that were washed ashore n not those growing on seabed.

Help to preserve our beach ecology.

For example Punggol beach was once thriving with marine life, life rocks, invertebrates, coral rubble n especially mud plains filled with seaweeds n fishes.

Now its totally been trampled on daily n everything gone for good.

it will be good to post some photo. So that next time I happens to be at the beach, I can collect some.


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  • SRC Member

Bro, maybe you target feed frozen shrimps at the mouth area, not on their spikes. They are not really vegetarian.. They are scavengers...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

Sorry but may I know how do I go about doing that? Their mouths are at the bottom right? So i have to pluck it off the rock and flip it upside down to feed it? :/


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Bro, you can use a syringe attached to ballon long tube which you get from marine shop.. Slowly release at the side.. It will catch.. Or you can use live shrimps.. Cut small pieces and place it at the side.. Please also handle with care when feeding as spikes might come off or damage..

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain...

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain

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