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WP-10, WP-25s-, TC-5A for bid

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WP-10 x 1 set

WP-25 x 2 sets

TC5a x 1

Wp-10 used less than 6months. Wp-25 one used for 6month and the others buy for 1 year but used 6months plus as controller spolit after 6month usage. So i get the linkage recently (first batch by AM)to link two wp-25 up.

All sets come with controllers and power adapter except one wp-25 which have a faulty controller.

Starting price - $1

Min. Increment -$1

Bid end - 6th June 2014 2359hrs

All bid via PM will be ignore, to be fair and transparent. I do NOT reserve the right to withdraw the bid.

Received some hate mails after i start my decomm sales. Headaches...

Start....... have fun

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Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Received some hate mails after i start my decomm sales. Headaches...

Start....... have fun

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Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Wtf. You serious? Those dhs should get a life.

Ups for you bro!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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Bidding is fun. Bidding is thrill. But please dont over bid. Original price for wp10 is 65 wp 25 is 75 and the tc5a is 50.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Just to double confirmed, its for 1 x WP10, 2 x WP25 and 1 TC-5 right?

Haha Ok then bearishcat. the Winner. let s celebrate! Lol. Kidding bros

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

LOL. I wished.

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Just to double confirmed, its for 1 x WP10, 2 x WP25 and 1 TC-5 right?


Aiya, becos of u, i count, my 8 years old kid count and my 6years old count and triple confirm u. Do note they are wp not mp. You all bid like they are mp series.

If someone ask again, i gg to ask my 4yr old kid to count.

Lol... cheers....

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

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Just to double confirmed, its for 1 x WP10, 2 x WP25 and 1 TC-5 right?



LOL. I wished.

Congrats. Wish come true.Lol

I totally gorgot.to bid.

sell me a wp 25 if Got extra ha.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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Congrat bearishCat for winning the bid.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Thanks! Replied your PM.

Congrats. Wish come true.Lol

I totally gorgot.to bid.

sell me a wp 25 if Got extra ha.

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

I will have 1 spare. Cos already have a WP25 now. I PM you when i collected it if you are still interested.

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