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Weekly Shipment Update 26 May - 01 Jun

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Thanks � should be able to stand its ground with my yellow tang once added hehe

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No worries bro, im more worried about your yt once the pt established... :o)

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Blotchy Anthias And Sunburst Anthias@Ah beng!






300Gallons of Pure Goodness! >Dimensions 6x2x2 (Foot)

1: Maxspect 160 Watt qty-2

2: Vortech MP 40 Wes

3:Jaebao WP40 qty-2

3: Skimz Becket Skimmer/ Ehiem 1260

4: Dymax XC 900 Calcium Reactor

5: American Pinpoint PH Controller

6: Iwaki MD 55 And MD 70 (Return)

7: Hydra Aquatics FR45 Reactor

8:Hailea 10HP Chiller

R2R forum->>>http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/photography-forum/154896-ashwins-reefing-photography.html

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Caribbean shipment At The Fish Channel! 1-Queen angels - M to Jumbo 2-French angels - M to L 3-King angels - L 4-Cortez angels - M 5-Rock beauty angels - M to L 6-Argi angels 7-Garibaldi damsels - S 8-Atlantic Blue Tangs - M to L 9-Paddlefin wrasse 10-Popeye Catalufa 11-Royal gramma 12-Blackcap gramma 13-Yellowhead Jawfish Some Pics To Follow! I Booked A Black Cap! :) Nice :) Cheers! Rgds Ash
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Fishchannel @ 2000:

Shipment just arrived... many gorgeous regal angel, emperor, blueface... maginficent faxface, clowntrigger, blue eye anthias, baby orange shoulder, neon damsel, good size pbt. Healthy pellet feeding queens, king, rock beauty, french, garibaldi, argi... The showsize queen is amazing....

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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Tfc snails are selling fast... do not miss out excellent cuc cerith snail...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Thank you for the lion update slayer! I was at tfc buying cerith snails when I saw your update. Managed to go down and grab 2 lions. Missed the radiata lions though :( hopefully next week I can grab one before it runs out again!

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Anymore how many stocks they are left with?

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Shld left about 10+

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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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where can i find small frag of acropora?

Yeah Try Joe@Iwarna Or Pinaccle Has Some Tiny colony's Too

300Gallons of Pure Goodness! >Dimensions 6x2x2 (Foot)

1: Maxspect 160 Watt qty-2

2: Vortech MP 40 Wes

3:Jaebao WP40 qty-2

3: Skimz Becket Skimmer/ Ehiem 1260

4: Dymax XC 900 Calcium Reactor

5: American Pinpoint PH Controller

6: Iwaki MD 55 And MD 70 (Return)

7: Hydra Aquatics FR45 Reactor

8:Hailea 10HP Chiller

R2R forum->>>http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/photography-forum/154896-ashwins-reefing-photography.html

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Someone looking for leopard wrasse? Iwarna, one and only piece.

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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notable fishes from TFC :

2.5-3 inches yellow bellied regals, active and healthy.

Bluer than blue Queen angel. its right beside the Show Size Queen.

Last piece French Angel

Bright orange Rics to perk up ur morning.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Any leopard wrasse spotted?

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Just saw a few at Marine Life ytd

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PeeBee's Aquarium


L 180cm x H 60cm x W 50cm (approx. 540L)

Other Specifications:

MAXSPECT Razor 300W 16K

EHEIM 1264 return pump

VERTEX Omega 150 skimmer

JEBAO WP40 wavemaker x2

HAILEA 1/4HP chiller

D-D H2Ocean FR (Rowaphos + Biopellets)

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