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Crab trouble!


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  • SRC Member

As if a resident 1inch crab is no enuff, now I just discovered a 2inch crab in my rocks.

Tried to put a market prawn in a container to lure the crabs out but it appears that such technique is only good to catch fishes ... Yep, all my fishes actually visited the container a few times over to nip at the mp... Especially that greedy PT ! Next time I know how to get them if I need to let go ...

Meanwhile, would appreciate if smybody can share their technique for napping these critters ... I don't want them to whack me corals.


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  • SRC Member

You can place the meat in those essence of chicken bottles and lean it against the rock overnight when the fishes are asleep.

Then again if the crab is too big it can climb out of the trap easily. You might need to use a bigger bottle.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

That's what I did but no luck ... Only fish

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  • SRC Member

Thanks bro stackdeck.

Problem is that for the past 6 mths, crab is on LR, no sightings of foot soldier

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Frankly I was hoping the crabs would come out and play on the sand but sadly they prefer to hide in the rocks.

Worst case is to rescape and dip my rocks in fresh water bath see if they crawl out 1 by 1 ... Thinking about it gives me the creeps ....

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  • SRC Member
That was offensive lol and not a newbie.I have tried this,it got rid of some crabs I had when I just started :P
Dude, I'm not trying to be a smart as$ here but though your reply may be technically correct, it is bad advice. why? First of all, did you check with the threadstarter on his tank size, and is it suitable to keep a trigger/puffer? And also is he keeping a reef or fowlr tank? Do you know that both fishes are not reef safe? Might as well suggest an octopus while you're at it. Not trying to insult you here but while the threadstarter may be wise enough not to heed your unpractical advice, other newbies reading this post may be clueless (or ignorant) and go ahead with your advice. Will you be responsible for their tanks if it crash? What if the trigger attacks other tank mates? Its easy to give advice but one should be practical and realistic to the kind of advice given. I'm posting this so as to let other newbies know and not just follow advice given blindly.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

Peace bros....

There r always various solutions to the problem but I personally believe that a fish only tank will have less issues with crabs than a mixed reef.reef tank.

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  • SRC Member

Dude, I'm not trying to be a smart as$ here but though your reply may be technically correct, it is bad advice. why? First of all, did you check with the threadstarter on his tank size, and is it suitable to keep a trigger/puffer? And also is he keeping a reef or fowlr tank? Do you know that both fishes are not reef safe? Might as well suggest an octopus while you're at it. Not trying to insult you here but while the threadstarter may be wise enough not to heed your unpractical advice, other newbies reading this post may be clueless (or ignorant) and go ahead with your advice. Will you be responsible for their tanks if it crash? What if the trigger attacks other tank mates? Its easy to give advice but one should be practical and realistic to the kind of advice given. I'm posting this so as to let other newbies know and not just follow advice given blindly.

Have to agree with Firestarter that it is not a good idea to introduce puffer or trigger fish for the purpose of eradicating crabs.

Trigger fish is probably suitable for FOWLR with large fishes as they can be agressive and attack other small fishes. I have had a Picasso that killed my green chromis.

As for puffer, if it dies in the tank it might release toxin and crash the entire tank..

You can try to DIY a crab trap and buy commercially available pest traps such as:

Reeftech Pest Trap:

I tried this when I started my current tank and was able to trap a few small crabs. You can place it near the live rocks where

the crabs are known to live in.. not necessary have to place it flat at the bottom of the tank.

UltraLife X-Terminator: http://www.aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=389

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Dude, I'm not trying to be a smart as$ here but though your reply may be technically correct, it is bad advice. why? First of all, did you check with the threadstarter on his tank size, and is it suitable to keep a trigger/puffer? And also is he keeping a reef or fowlr tank? Do you know that both fishes are not reef safe? Might as well suggest an octopus while you're at it. Not trying to insult you here but while the threadstarter may be wise enough not to heed your unpractical advice, other newbies reading this post may be clueless (or ignorant) and go ahead with your advice. Will you be responsible for their tanks if it crash? What if the trigger attacks other tank mates? Its easy to give advice but one should be practical and realistic to the kind of advice given. I'm posting this so as to let other newbies know and not just follow advice given blindly.

While i do agree with everything Firestarter has to say, and he made a good point about giving out bad advices.....

But bro firestarter, maybe you need to be a little less offensive and stop calling others newbies. As mentioned, there is no old bird or new bird. All of us are learning in the hobby. If you spot a mistake posted, be kind enough to correct he's statement. A reply like "please read my sig" is not very helpful at all. Eventually, he will have to ask you what was the mistake, and inevitably, you will still be giving him the right answer. So why fire a shot unnecessarily? I'm afraid it comes a point where newer hobbies just shut up, and this forum losses a lot of appeal for them.

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I Love Stagsss

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  • SRC Member

Bro's Lets Not argue Its not helping the topic starter. or any of us..Everybody is learning why fire someone with a Rude comment?? and not correct them?.Lets make this forum peacefull As Possible Newbies or seniors...Bro wongyeng..Is The rock Top or bottom?..Most crabs iv caught Just by taking the rock out as its the top..At night crabs are Very active and fishes not..A old mayo bottle does the trick..but have to pinpoint the exact area tho..Long Nose Flamehawks do eat small crabs too..Hopefully you catch that bugger..


rgds Ash

300Gallons of Pure Goodness! >Dimensions 6x2x2 (Foot)

1: Maxspect 160 Watt qty-2

2: Vortech MP 40 Wes

3:Jaebao WP40 qty-2

3: Skimz Becket Skimmer/ Ehiem 1260

4: Dymax XC 900 Calcium Reactor

5: American Pinpoint PH Controller

6: Iwaki MD 55 And MD 70 (Return)

7: Hydra Aquatics FR45 Reactor

8:Hailea 10HP Chiller

R2R forum->>>http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/photography-forum/154896-ashwins-reefing-photography.html

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  • SRC Member

Bros... What is the meaning of ..

"Pls read my sig" ??

Sorry but is this a new phrase ?

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  • SRC Member

Bro Ash, crabs sighted at the top of tocks. But due to my packed rock scape (unfortunately studied the old skool approach), I m unable to remove rocks without disrupting everything else :(

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  • SRC Member

Apparently these crabs may be whacking my new Zoa frags! Just lost 2 frags :(

I m very angry now ....

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  • SRC Member

Try put a prawn meat in a glass bottle then Use another prawn meat to lure him out from rock to the glass bottle at night.





Reviving my reef tank :

Crystal glass 53" x 22" x 17" rimless (inclusive of 12"x22"x17" IOS)

Life Reef HVS3-24 with mazzei venturi

ATI Sunpower 8 x 39w T5 (4 x Blue plus, 2 x Aqua blue special, Coral plus)

ZET Light 3 x 3w LEDs moonlight

Arctica 1/3 Hp + 1/4 Hp back up

Vortech mp40w x 3 + Jebao wp25

Eheim 1264 x 3 + water blaster 5000

Vortech back up battery

TLF-150 + Rowaphos

Activated carbon

Kamoer 3 channel + CaCl2 + NaHCo3

150L Refugium with DSB, miracle mud, cheato

2ft T5 x 2 light tubes for refugium

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  • SRC Member

I just caught the little crab !

Thank you for all your prayers ... Just saw it hiding under a Zoa rock so I picked up the rock and dropped it into my sump ... My last humane act for the little critter ...

Guess what, I have a 3 inch hermit living in the sump, good luck lil critter !

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  • SRC Member

Good to know you caught the crab bro!..Sig Stands For Signature..Btw..


Rgds Ash

300Gallons of Pure Goodness! >Dimensions 6x2x2 (Foot)

1: Maxspect 160 Watt qty-2

2: Vortech MP 40 Wes

3:Jaebao WP40 qty-2

3: Skimz Becket Skimmer/ Ehiem 1260

4: Dymax XC 900 Calcium Reactor

5: American Pinpoint PH Controller

6: Iwaki MD 55 And MD 70 (Return)

7: Hydra Aquatics FR45 Reactor

8:Hailea 10HP Chiller

R2R forum->>>http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/photography-forum/154896-ashwins-reefing-photography.html

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  • SRC Member

Bro Ash,

So what is offensive about "read my sig..." ??

Good to know you caught the crab bro!..Sig Stands For Signature..Btw..

Rgds Ash

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  • SRC Member

Peace bro.

There are many ways to solve a problem and different pple will be comfortable with different methods.

Mine is a mixed reef so I cannot get buffer and trigger even though if I had a fowlr I definitely will get a trigger bcos I think they are gorgeous fish.

For my case, getting suggestions and feednacks really eventually motivated me to want to get those critters, so it's not so much the actually idea but the group motivating me to want to solve this problem which I m thankful.

Happy reefing and let's hope I catch the bigger crab soon :)

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