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Deworm Medicine

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Back in my discus days I used to deworm the fishes regularly. I am wondering if there are any deworm medicine I can get for me marine fishes?

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Prazi bro. Also helps with another common problem for fish, flukes. Or Dr G's food which Aquafauna Supplies bring in.

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Prazi bro. Also helps with another common problem for fish, flukes. Or Dr G's food which Aquafauna Supplies bring in.

thanks. I read about prazi on rc, where can I get that?

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thanks. I read about prazi on rc, where can I get that?

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Either u order online, PraziPro or many lfs sell Eiho Parzi. Not a typo on my side lol, really the label says Parzi. It has a picture of a discus some more.


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Basically, all these product uses an active ingredient called praziquantel which the word prazi came from.

You can also get the tablet form in pet shop. They are used for pets like cat and dog too.

To be safe, just use the one for aquarium unless you don't mind do your own test using those tablet.

Personally, i have tried using frozen food soak in prazi to feed my fishes. Only thing is there is a smell of sort when using such soaking method and fishes will resist the food. U can try and add garlic with it. I had some success with this method.


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