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Items left for grabs..

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Hi after last weekend's sales..i am left with this..Please consider these items.Thanks

1) Resun 9903 air pump with adjustable speed, 4.5l/min -- $10-- Brand new comes with a box and instructions..barely 2 mths old

2) Grade #1 marine sand -- approx 15kgs -- selling at $10 or less

3) Seachem Paraguard -- protects ur fish from ich -- 3/4 left -selling $6

4) Seachem MatrixCarbon -- 2/3 left -- $6

5) Seachem Paraguard --2/3 left --$6

6) Marine Flakes Formula 2 with 20% garlic -- almost full --$6

7) Aquapharm Calcium -- 3/4 left -- $6

8) Aquapharm Apetite stimulent -- almost full -- $6

9) Thermometer -###### - hydrometer dip stick -- $5

10)Azoo PSB bacteria --1/4 left-- $2

11) Azoo 11-in-1 super bacteria -- 1/2 left $2

12) AA air stone skimmer --$4

13) 2 ft strauss fl light with one tube -- $8

14) brandless powerhead with 1200l/hr in working cond --$5

12) Mysis shrimp and i tab on unopen brine shrimp plus one turbo snail and a 1/4 bottle of coral food FREE if purchase of more than 1 item stated above..

Please contact me at 92958791... Collection at sengkang on weekends Thanks for reading..

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