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Natural sunlight

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  • SRC Member

Wonder if any bros/sis can help with this ...

I currently have 2 AI hydra mounted 1ft from my tank top. My tank is 3.5 x 1.5 (wide) x 2 (deep). My light settings are as follows :

25% white

70% blue and Royal blue

15% red

25% green

40% violet

3% UV

Not sure if this is the optimal because sometimes when I open my windows for the natural sun to shine on one of my green monti, I can see its polyps popping out but they do not do that with the LED ...

I suspect MH and t5 will get them to do that as well ...

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In terms of intensity n spectrum, nothing beats Mother Nature. Years ago, in the Today's Aquarium magazine, I saw an article featuring a shallow 5' plus aquarium displaying fish, corals and macroalgae under just a pair of ordinary Phillips cool white 840s. Is it because of the right spectrum?

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  • SRC Member

I wonder whether I could construct a natural light reflector into tank and just use those cheap colored LEDs to color up the display ? :)

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I would say your observation is correct. I have a 2ft cube in my yard. And the sps on the side facing the sun had been growth polyp extension.

IMO, MH is still the best lighting for SPS and to some extend LPS, etc. I run 2 separate tanks at home w MH and LED. The MH one had better growth rate and less browning of the SPS undergrowth(the area facing the bottom).

But i'm not saying LED is no good hor. This are purely personal view.

The problem w MH is lack of spectrum like LED can do. And the heat factor. LED run much cooler and probably cost saving depending on the wattage of LED u r running.

I did tried reflecting light before. it is not worth the effect as the rays reflected are not as strong as direct.

Also, you need to be careful when doing a reflector for sun ray to prevent magnifying glass effect of the sun ray as it can cause unrecoverable burning.

All the best in your venturing. :thumbsup:


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I wonder whether I could construct a natural light reflector into tank and just use those cheap colored LEDs to color up the display ? :)

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Interesting...becoz i had that idea years ago but didnt get down in doing it. Any idea how you gonna do it ?

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  • SRC Member

Bro, just thinking aloud.. Create a multi angled funneled so receive sunlight from east to west ... This funnel needs to have angled internal mirrors to direct them to destination... At destination use a series of convex mirrors to spread the light source to the tank ?

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  • SRC Member

Some reefers in western countries who live in landed property drill hole on the roof and channel the light to the tank.

There is a catch though. Since sunlight temperature is at most daylight or cool white during cloudy day, not blue enough to make the coral nice color visible.

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  • SRC Member

Bro solasido, that's why I said that with natural light u still need to have those cheap led to add to the coloring ...

Bro finbir, solar panel is to transform solar energy to electricity leh

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The technology about drilling hole in roof to utilize sunlight is done by this company in US.


Can look into it.

Personally I don't know whether sunlight by reflection is good enough to use for keeping reef. But there's another thought that need consideration is how to weather proof the reef from rain which is temperamental in ph.

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Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • SRC Member

Bro Marco, looks like u have found the company that does what we are discussing :)

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  • SRC Member

These last few days I have been trying natural sunlight on my nano too. My tank is in a location where it sees the afternoon sun.

One noticeable difference is I have more PE on my tenius & I noticed Xenia pulsing more violently! Never seen such PE before & the tank looks great with the combination of sunlight & AI prime. Colors just seem more vibrant.

I'm gonna continue experimenting to let in natural sunlight & see how the corals react, so far it's looking gd! Will be keeping a close eye on the temp though!

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  • SRC Member

Yes agreed, since I have been bathing the tank with sunlight, I'm seeing increase of green film algae on the glass, which luckily comes off easily when I wipe the glass every few days.. Free meal for my livestock :)

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Do keep us posted on the sunlight experiment. Theoretically Sunlight is good, providing all the spectrum needed...but watch out for algea bloom if any due to the possible of excess nutrients :)


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  • SRC Member

Do keep us posted on the sunlight experiment. Theoretically Sunlight is good, providing all the spectrum needed...but watch out for algea bloom if any due to the possible of excess nutrients :)


yeah, am closely watching out for algae bloom, right now it's just film algae on glass, hopefully it stays that way..

Anyway, just to share some pics of a frag which I am observing under sunlight exposure. Left is before suntan, right is a week after suntanning :D 

Right shows the color of my light together with sunlight. (tried my best to keep other factors constant, light settings, flow, KH, etc..)


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yeah, am closely watching out for algae bloom, right now it's just film algae on glass, hopefully it stays that way..

Anyway, just to share some pics of a frag which I am observing under sunlight exposure. Left is before suntan, right is a week after suntanning :D 

Right shows the color of my light together with sunlight. (tried my best to keep other factors constant, light settings, flow, KH, etc..)


Nice one Bro ;)


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