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WTS -LifeTech water pump & filter & Rocks

Tony LCW

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Anyone interested as I have the following to let go.

1) LifeTech SP 610 water pump 10KLitre per hour....State yr price if interested.

2) One stage Water purifier canistor...$20

3) I pail of Rocks $30

4) 3 Feet (4tube) T5 lighting sets...$50

Plse msg me at 96516230





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Update on my sale item....thks

Refractometer and Water Purifiier .....SOLD

1)T5 light set with 2 switch control.

Come with 1 additional spare tube and condition 9/10......$50

2) Sump tank light set ....$5

3) Fluid reactor come with pump .....$30

4) 1 and half pail of Rocks used in Copper tank before....$30

Dealing Jalan Teck Whye ...contact 96516230.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on my sale item....thks

Refractometer and Water Purifiier .....SOLD

1)T5 light set with 2 switch control. ....SOLD

Come with 1 additional spare tube and condition 9/10......$50

2) Sump tank light set ....$5

3) Fluid reactor come with pump .....$30

4) 1 and half pail of Rocks used in Copper tank before....$30

Dealing Jalan Teck Whye ...contact 96516230

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